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❤️ Pre-requisites
❤️ Course Content

Body’s Intelligence System that runs every organ & function of the body becomes dormant if you, the being, does not connect with it. It runs in the default old paradigm of limitation. In this class you will learn a Light Key Protocol to erase old programming & bring the body’s functions to it optimal capacity by activating its intelligence system.

❤️ Potential Benefits :

1) Improved communion with the body

2) Empowerment & Choice with the body

3) Improved health

4) Sense of overall wellbeing

❤️ Would you like to get certified?

If you are interested in using this for/on your clients, please ensure you are certified.

Purchase the certification product from this link:

❤️ Testimonials

I feel like all fear has left my body and I’m excited about my life and enjoying the future.Thank you so much Nila

Thank you Nila .Immensely grateful to you.

I feel so connected to my body in a way I have never experienced before.Thank you so much Nila

I was releasing suppressed anger yday. With BIS class yday body is much better and today’s class experience I don’t want to define

❤️ What next?

Are you ready to break through your limiting beliefs, resentment and blocks? Would you choose this class? What will it take?

For further queries feel free to write to