Awareness development circle starts on Sunday!

Awareness development circle starts on Sunday!

How are you?

Hope you are aware that we are starting the awareness development circle on Sunday for 4 weeks which will include the following and more:

* I will be introducing light scanning method to read the energy body
* Facilitate awareness development exercises for you to gain confidence
* Offer insights into handling the awareness
* Practice connecting with light beings and give readings

You will have the recording of the exercises that you can use to practice throughout the week. Homework guidelines will also be provided.

What are the benefits of expanding your awareness?:

* You will have more information to deal with life and hence more ease
* You can read people and know how to handle them and hence more harmony
* You will know what to do and when and hence you can create more money

Please feel free to join:

Diffusing the spread of Coronavirus:

Apologies that for many of you the registration form for the free call to diffuse the spread of coronavirus did not work properly.

We have fixed the issue now and moved the call to Saturday, 01 Feb. If you have not registered yet, please feel free to do it now:

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

I look forward to seeing you somewhere soon.

In appreciation of you,
