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❤️ Pre-requisite
❤️ Course Content

Light Key healing system initially  introduced as a self-healing system is now  expanding to a distant healing system.

In the recent times, many elements of universe are being revealed to be commanded to expand our consciousness and mastery. In this course you will learn about the following elements and how to use them to contribute to your clients and families:

  • Vortex of Light
  • Vortex of Emerald Earth Energy
  • Vortex of Blue Bubble Energy
  • Ascension Vortex of Kindness

These elements not only help you to clear, cleanse, purify, reset the body but also help you to set up a platform to create a healthy body.

You will also learn a health reset protocol using these elements.

❤️ Would you like to get certified?

If you are interested in using this for/on your clients, please ensure you are certified.

Purchase the certification product from this link:

❤️ Testimonials

“They are really amazing..My friend got rid of her C-section severe back pain which was their since past 1.5 yrs, in just one health reset session. Her feedback ‘Feeling better coz my arm was paining like hell…even I was literally started crying…but today when I wake was pretty much better” this feedback was after the session, after few days she sent msg “No more back and arm pain” (10-0 now) greatful to her for being willing to receive😇✨”

❤️ What next?

You can either buy self-study course from the shop or find a facilitator near you for an in-person class.

Are you ready to break through your limiting beliefs, resentment and blocks? Would you choose this class? What will it take?

For further queries feel free to write to