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❤️ Pre-requisites
  • None
❤️ Course Content

This simple protocol will help you shed baggages (emotional/physical heaviness) from this life time or other life times with such ease. This works in the cellular level and the result on the body could be life altering. This protocol unveils the unconscious choices you have been making with your body and presents an opportunity to change, keep or let go of them. This could be :

  • Your first step to creating your body the way you desire
  • The first aid to release the diseases you have bought from others
  • The first opportunity to really have ease and freedom with your body

The glimpse of this protocol came through first in an awareness development circle. The participants were literally in tears realizing the freedom that was available to them.

❤️ Testimonials

“Thank you for a full body organ cleanse. Awesome!. Never thought these were even possible. Feels like a miracle”

“feeling renewed… wiped the slate clean… thank you Nila.”

❤️ What next?

You can buy self-study course from the shop (by clicking the link below) on this website or find a facilitator near you for an in-person class.

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