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❤️ Pre-requisites
  • None.
❤️ Course Content

How are you in relationships? Who are you in relationships? Are you being yourself, feel at home with people around you or you have to put on masks and armours to protect yourself?

Do you often feel like putting yourself into boxes when you entered into relationships? Are you able to satisfy you in the relationships or is it always about satisfying others in order to stay in relationships?

Would you like to explore what a conscious relationship would be like? What if you can be fully alive wherever you are, whomever you are with? What if people are drawn to you for who you are rather than how you behave?

❤️ Testimonials

😍👏✨ and we had an amazing Conscious relationship class yesterday…so many realisations and greater possibilities opened up…. worked on my relationship with money on the call and account got credited just after the exercise 🤩how does it get any better than this? Gratitude Nila

❤️ What next?

You can also choose to get certification of this Course, if you would like to use it for others from the same link.

So are you willing to step up, empower yourself to heal your body?

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