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Course Details

Resurrecting the Gods and Goddesses in You - Ver NA

Type - Coaching Call

Event on 14-Aug-2021 11:00AM EST
Duration: 60 Mins

Status - New

Certification - No

Full Price $ - Offer Price $ - INR / ILS

Certificate Price $ / INR / ILS

Discount Details

Course Pre-requisites :

Event Description :

Level 1 Details
Light Key Product
Light Keys
Course Version
Product Inclusion
Video and Audio recordings
? Here are some amazing shares from previous calls: \"it was such a beautiful journey.. thank you, received a big emerald from divine beings\" \"So beautiful and such a visual journey and bright golden light\" \"It was a beautiful journey, was embodied in a man’s body\"
Confirmation Message on Screen
Email Message
Certification Title
Certification Pre-requisites
Certification Criteria
User Manual
Case Study Template
Practitioner Certificate Template
Certificate Template
Practitioner Quiz
Zoom link required?
Special Instructions
Actions Panel - Resurrecting the Gods and Goddesses in You

Web event

Web event
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
1 Create event DevOps Mansi 31-Jul-2021 30-Jul-2021 Completed
2 Test event DevOps John Suresh 01-Aug-2021 30-Jul-2021 Completed
3 UAT Product Suguna 02-Aug-2021 30-Jul-2021 Completed
4 Go Live DevOps Mansi 02-Aug-2021 30-Jul-2021 Completed

Pre-class Logistics

S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
5 Create Reminder 1 DevOps Ramya L 11-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
6 Test Reminder 1 DevOps John Suresh 11-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
7 Create Reminder 2 DevOps Ramya L 11-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
8 Test Reminder 2 DevOps John Suresh 11-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
My Account
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
9 S3 Links to be updated DevOps Mansi 14-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
10 Quiz upload to Myaccount DevOps NA 14-Aug-2021 NA
11 casestudy upload to Myaccount DevOps NA 14-Aug-2021 NA
12 Manual Upload to My account DevOps NA 14-Aug-2021 NA
13 Update zoom link DevOps Mansi 14-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
14 Create Zoom link DevOps Ramya L 31-Jul-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
15 Enabled Big meeting option in Zoom DevOps NA 31-Jul-2021 NA
16 Create Whatsapp group and add participants DevOps Niveditha 31-Jul-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
17 Assign Call support person DevOps Ramya L 07-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
18 Assign order Management Support DevOps Gaurav 07-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
19 Send class participants list to Nila DevOps Mansi 14-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
Pre-req configure
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
20 Create new course & Pre-req config DevOps NA 31-Jul-2021 NA
21 Test the Pre-req configuration DevOps NA 31-Jul-2021 NA
22 Enable pre-req validation for the facilitators DevOps NA 31-Jul-2021 NA

Pre-class Assets

Practitioner Manual
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
23 Prepare Draft Manual Product NA 07-Aug-2021 NA
24 Review and approve Manual Product NA 09-Aug-2021 NA
25 Format the manual Product NA 09-Aug-2021 NA
26 Final approval of Manual Product NA 10-Aug-2021 NA


S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
27 Bonus/Coupon code Creation DevOps NA 01-Aug-2021 NA
28 Coupon creation QA DevOps Mansi 01-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
29 Repeat Code Email Creation Promotion Mansi 01-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
30 Up sell coupons Creation Promotion NA 01-Aug-2021 NA
31 Sense Check Product NA 01-Aug-2021 NA
32 Repeat Code / Up sell coupons Email Sending DevOps NA 09-Aug-2021 NA

Post-class Assets

S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
33 Download and convert audio & video recordings DevOps Rajkumar 15-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
34 Upload audio & video recordings DevOps Rajkumar 15-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed
35 Upload the recordings to onedrive as backup DevOps Rajkumar 15-Aug-2021 17-Aug-2021 Completed

Post-class Logistics

Recording email
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
36 Create Recording email and send DevOps Ramya L 15-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed Sent By Mohammed
37 Test Recording email DevOps John Suresh 15-Aug-2021 12-Aug-2021 Completed
Event to Product
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
38 Create new product DevOps Ramya L 15-Aug-2021 24-Aug-2021 Completed
39 Update existing product DevOps NA 15-Aug-2021 NA
40 Retire existing Product DevOps NA 15-Aug-2021 NA
41 Test Product DevOps John Suresh 15-Aug-2021 24-Aug-2021 Completed
Assets Panel