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Course Details

Advance Protocol for Intimacy - Ver NA

Type - Course

Event on 27-May-2021 EST
Duration: 120 Mins

Status - New

Certification - No

Full Price $147 - Offer Price $0 - INR 11371 / ILS 485

Certificate Price $52 / INR 4020 / ILS 170

Discount Details

Course Pre-requisites : 1. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality (OR) Light Key Frequencies and Vortices for Limitless Reality 2. Light Keys for Life and Beyond! – Intermediate Course 3. Basic Light Key Protocol for Intimacy

Event Description :

Are you ready to be intimate with yourself? Are you ready to be the greatest receiver of all the Universal gifts and life your life to the fullest?

This advanced protocol is an invitation for you to work deeper within yourself and release all the blocks, judgements, beliefs, structures you have been holding on to embrace the power of your sexual energy to the fullest through your body and spirit.

This protocol uses advanced light key processes and frequencies that will open you up to receiving from the Universe to the fullest. It can help you to attract life partner / or a baby. This is all about bringing the nurturing energy back into your body and life and create more in life. In addition, this protocol also helps the practitioners to release elements that make them resonate with separation, aloofness and undeserving.
Level 1 Details
Light Key Product
Light Keys
Course Version
Product Inclusion
Feedback from Basic Light key protocol for Intimacy: I got to see two of my past lives and it was such an amazing feeling. It was such a great revelation for me. I wrote it was a thunderbolt protocol for me.I’m so much in peace with myself.
Confirmation Message on Screen
Email Message
Certification Title
Certification title - Advanced Light Key Protocol for Intimacy - Certification; Pratitioner Certified as - Practitioner of Advanced Light Key Protocol for Intimacy
Certification Pre-requisites
Advanced Light Key Protocol for Intimacy
Certification Criteria
A descriptive quiz to be passed with 60% Complete case study
User Manual
Case Study Template
Practitioner Certificate Template
Certificate Template
Practitioner Quiz
Zoom link required?
Special Instructions
Actions Panel - Advance Protocol for Intimacy

Web event

Web event
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
1 Create event DevOps Mansi 13-May-2021 05-May-2021 Completed
2 Test event DevOps Bhumika 14-May-2021 05-May-2021 Completed
3 UAT Product Jyoti 15-May-2021 05-May-2021 Completed
4 Go Live DevOps Bhumika 15-May-2021 05-May-2021 Completed

Pre-class Logistics

S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
5 Create Reminder 1 DevOps Bhumika 24-May-2021 05-May-2021 Completed
6 Test Reminder 1 DevOps Bhumika 24-May-2021 Not started
7 Create Reminder 2 DevOps Bhumika 24-May-2021 Not started
8 Test Reminder 2 DevOps Bhumika 24-May-2021 Not started
My Account
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
9 S3 Links to be updated DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
10 Quiz upload to Myaccount DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
11 casestudy upload to Myaccount DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
12 Manual Upload to My account DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
13 Update zoom link DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
14 Create Zoom link DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
15 Enabled Big meeting option in Zoom DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
16 Create Whatsapp group and add participants DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
17 Assign Call support person DevOps Bhumika 20-May-2021 Not started
18 Assign order Management Support DevOps Bhumika 20-May-2021 Not started
19 Send class participants list to Nila DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 Not started
20 Send latest manual to Nila DevOps Bhumika 27-May-2021 NA
Pre-req configure
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
21 Create new course & Pre-req config DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
22 Test the Pre-req configuration DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
23 Enable pre-req validation for the facilitators DevOps Bhumika 13-May-2021 Not started
Course pages creation
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
24 Create New Practitioner Course page in Light key menu DevOps Bhumika 15-May-2021 Not started
25 Verify the new practitioner course page DevOps Bhumika 16-May-2021 Not started

Pre-class Assets

Practitioner Manual
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
26 Prepare Draft Manual Product Jyoti 20-May-2021 Not started
27 Review and approve Manual Product Jyoti 22-May-2021 Not started
28 Format the manual Product Jyoti 22-May-2021 Not started
29 Final approval of Manual Product Jyoti 23-May-2021 Not started


S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
30 Bonus/Coupon code Creation DevOps Bhumika 14-May-2021 Not started
31 Coupon creation QA DevOps Bhumika 14-May-2021 Not started
32 Repeat Code Email Creation Promotion Suguna 14-May-2021 Not started
33 Up sell coupons Creation Promotion Suguna 14-May-2021 Not started
34 Sense Check Product Jyoti 14-May-2021 Not started
35 Repeat Code / Up sell coupons Email Sending DevOps Bhumika 22-May-2021 Not started

Post-class Assets

S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
36 Download and convert audio & video recordings DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
37 Upload audio & video recordings DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
38 Upload the recordings to onedrive as backup DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started

Post-class Logistics

Recording email
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
39 Create Recording email and send DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
40 Test Recording email DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
Event to Product
S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
41 Create new product DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
42 Update existing product DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
43 Retire existing Product DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started
44 Test Product DevOps Bhumika 28-May-2021 Not started

Custom Actions

S.NoAction ItemDeptOwnerETACompleted OnStatusRemarks
1 Send email to the Eligible practitioners DevOps Keerthi 07-May-2021 In-progress The list has been extracted
Assets Panel