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Baby Peace and Belief clearing protocols

(Prerequisites: None)


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Date: 27th Feb 2020

Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM GMT / 8.30 PM IST

Duration: 60 Mins

Please click the link below to get the time for your timezone.

Light Key protocols combine the vibrations of Light Keys and Light Key Frequencies to address specific issues

Baby Peace Protocol

This protocol calms the nerves, relaxes and facilitates deeper, restful sleep. It takes less than 5 minutes to perform and helps greatly in releasing stress too.

This can also be used for babies with sleep issues. Suitable for all ages.

Belief clearing protocol

We build our lives around the beliefs we have about ourselves and life. They could be very limiting and preventing us from creating the life we desire. This protocol gently releases these beliefs and helps you build your life with ease.

This is a very powerful and life-changing protocol.


February 27, 2020
10:00 AM EST
Event Category: