Connect to the Spirit World – Awareness Development Circle
24th March 2022
11:00 AM EST / 3:00 PM GMT / 5:00 PM Israel / 8:30 PM India / 2:00 AM AEDT (Next Day)
Duration: 60 Minutes (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
- Video and Audio Recordings.
❤️ Pre-requisite:
- None.

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.
“Nila ma’am, post yesterday’s ADC class, I played the Euro millions lotto jackpot using my awareness and the contribution from the elementals that you had guided during the session.. and two of the numbers matched and I won 74 Euros!!!! 🎉🎊💃💃💃💃 This is so much fun!! I’m on cloud 9… 🥰💃 Immense gratitude to you ma’am. Romba nandri!!!!! 🤗🙏🏻I strongly recommend this class. It’s pure magic!! Loved the meditation and the exercises, had great fun!! And yesterday’s class was divinely guided. So glad I followed my awareness and opted to join. 🥰💕“
“I attended the ADC call with Nila yesterday. I must say it was really out of this world. The best part was it was so much fun too. The meditation was very powerful and the games truly amazing. To answer your question Nila, would love to continue on this journey with your guidance . Thankyou so much 🙏🙏🙏”
“it was so awesome.I am unable to even open my eyes. I felt something happening on third eye and forehead, as if someone is touching and drawing lines” ” My cells were making more and more space available”
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