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Invitation to receive some joy!

Date: 11th Feb 2020
Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM GMT / 8.30 PM IST
Duration: 60 Mins

Please click the link below to get the time for your timezone.


Join Live – FREE

A lot has happened with light keys since we launched in November. We have practitioners in over 25 countries and the content has grown exponentially. For this, I am grateful to you all.

Most of the content is now available as self-study courses. However, several people are asking for in-person classes. Besides, many practitioners who have benefited greatly from the practices are very much interested in spreading their joy. So, now it is time to open up the teaching programs to whoever is interested in teaching them. There are 3 courses that are being opened to be taught by facilitators:

  1. Light key basic protocols
  2. Light Key Basic Blue Print
  3. Joyous Body Protocol


Nila would be walking through the framework in this free call and also answering your questions. Please note that the price for the facilitator’s class is at 33% of the price now and if you have any inclination to teach this simple and effective modality, you may like to take this opportunity to pursue.

At the end of the session, you can also receive the taster of a group Joyous Body Protocol session offered by JBP practitioners.


February 11, 2020
10:00 AM EST
Event Category: