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Light Key Healing class for kids! (FREE)
For everyone who is kid at heart.

Date: 25th Mar 2020
Time: 11.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM GMT / 8.30 PM IST
Duration: 30-40 Mins

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Join Live – FREE

Shall we give the kids a healing wand when they are under lock down 🙂 What magic would that create now?

As you may be aware, I have channeled a healing system called Light keys. We have practitioners around the world benefiting from very simple yet extremely effective practices from this system.

Well, I am still a kid at heart and I would like to empower the little ones with the little knowledge I have. I will be teaching them very simple practices to help themselves and help us all expand our horizons! Yes, they absolutely can!

Who can attend…? Babies from the womb to anybody who is still a child at heart!

Come on, let’s have some fun creating a huge wave of kindness.

No recording will be available.

Note: Please note that this call will be recorded and published in social media and/or youtube. By registering for this call, you are permitting us to publish the audio/video with your participation in it.

Disclaimer: This call is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call/practice cannot be guaranteed. Please join only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught in this call.


March 25, 2020
11:00 AM EDT