Potency of Being Invisible
21st December 2023
11:00 AM EST / 4:00 PM GMT / 6:00 PM Israel / 9:30 PM India / 3:00 AM AET (Next Day)
Duration: 30 Minutes (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
- Audio and Video Recordings.
- None.
- Potency of Being Visible – 20th December 2023.
- Potency of Being Invisible – 21st December 2023.
Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady’. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.
“Yesterday’s call was very potent and continued as well till early hours today. I kept moving my hand while asleep to wherever I could feel a foreign element which melted away after a while. Hdigabtt? Body feels much lighter. Thank you nila for bringing light and lightness to our bodies”
“It is truly potent….I cried so much during the call, so much catharsis. My body was moving without me doing anything to move it in a way as if there was so much pain deep into it and now it was releasing it. Thankyou so much Nila. It’s as if it has shaken something inside.”
“OMG! My sleeping time is over exceeding the limits! Every new day brings a lot of energy and makes me explore coming out of my comfort zone physically! Thank you fir these great feel which seems to continue limitlessly! May you all get all the abundance flow! Thank you mam”
“Nila you are really amazing. Now I know from Where you get so much of energy, so much ease , so much flow, so much of everything….. Thank you for an amazing call. Feeling very different”
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