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Training for Facilitators of Basic Light Key frequencies

Date: 15th August 2020
Time: 10:30 AM EST / 3:30 PM BST / 8:00 PM IST
Duration: 3 Hours

(Click here to get the time for your time zone.)

❤️ Description:

“If you want your life outside to change, you need to work on the frequency inside” – Reese Evans

Light Key healing system consists of a set of practices, processes, and attunements using Light keys, Light key frequencies. It helps to embrace your divinity and be the master of your universe. This system has been channeled by Nila, who has been a divine channel and medium for over 15 years.

In an effort to spread the benefits of this healing system to more and more people across every continent, Nila is now offering teaching programs.

This class is for the enthusiastic practitioners who are interested in teaching the light key basic frequencies course. In this course, one can learn how to tune into three amazing frequencies and how to apply them on yourself and others to create greater life.

The frequencies are as below:

Golden Earth: This frequency helps you build a fulfilling, joyful and abundant life here on earth

Universal kindness: This frequency helps you create peace, harmony and possibilities.

Rainbow Ray: This frequency helps you to clear and cancel limiting beliefs, energy blocks and old contracts.

  • Click here for more details about becoming/being a facilitator.

    Criteria to be fulfilled to receive the facilitator license:

    In order to be certified as a Facilitator of Basic Light Key Frequencies, one needs to fulfil the following criteria:

    1. Attend the facilitator class
    2. Pass a simple exam

    Qualification attained:

    Those who fulfil the above-mentioned criteria will be certified as the ‘Facilitator of basic Light Key frequencies’


    The validity of the certificate is of 1 year.

    Obligations of the facilitator:

    The certified Facilitator has the below obligations:

    • The fees that you charge for conducting the class, needs to be at a minimum price of 72$
    • The facilitator needs to pay 10% of the class fee to Infinite Healing. This will be a minimum of 20$ per class per. The facilitator needs to send the list of their students promptly to Infinite Healing.

    Do you think you have it in you to step up and spread this light to people around you?

“Since Sunday midnight suddenly I was hvng lots of heaviness in my head and it accompanied me till Tuesday noon ,that was the time we could connect on a call and the Magic u created through Light Key Frequencies and help me balance through Body Fluids Protocol was amazing 💫💫💫💫 The weight of heaviness just whoosh vanished in few seconds .Thank you for guiding me and always be there to guide us.GRATITUDE.”

“Thank u so much for the class Nila. Loveee all the frequencies. Super excited to use them.”

❤️ Pre-requisite:

In order to maintain a certain quality and sanctity to the teaching process, some pre-requisites are to be met for attending the facilitator training. They are as follows:

❤️ Course Inclusion:

  • Manual.
  • Class recording.
  • E-Certificate of completion (after passing a short quiz).

Feel free to write to us for any further queries on

Disclaimer: This call is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.

Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught in this call.


August 15, 2020
9:30 AM - 5:30 PM EDT
Event Category: