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Feel Better Instantly

Feel Better Instantly

Let’s try something different than what everyone else is doing. Let’s laugh, love and be very kind to ourselves and others right away.

If anything is preventing you from doing that, please try this video:

This light key protocol was channeled live – ie I did not plan what to do in advance when I started recording. I simply allowed the information to flow through. Seems like it worked. Have had great feedbacks. Give it a go!

Would you like to experience magic?

I wake up to messages from light key practitioners such as this every day:

Nila, I am having a blast doing Earth medicine. Although all the frequencies etc are not from this reality, Earth medicine is truly beyond, it’s something else

Day 1 of PRP (Pain Relief Protocol) my knee joint pain came down to intensity 4 from 10, next morning pain was completely gone.. then that pain shifted from joints to calves and lower feet.. did PRP again and next morning its gone completely.. my legs are totally pain free..
I got inflammed tonsils and excruciating pain and Nila kindly shared the grow and glow protocol with me.. i did that and next morning the inflammation had gone completely and tonsil size reduced considerably..
Deepest gratitude to Nila for giving us these magic wands.. and within mins everything gets addressed 😇🙏🏻”

I invite you into a land of possibilities through the empowering healing practices from the Source of Light! To know more, please go to the link below:

You will find great support from these practices to move through these intense times.

We also have an ongoing ‘Five Life-Changing protocols‘ series at 75% discount. Please feel free to register and get the recording of the first call:

Free facilitation/healing call

Please feel free to sign up for the free support call on 31st:

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

Until next time, keep the gratitude going…

In appreciation of you,
