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How an angel carried my luggage!

How an angel carried my luggage!

Do you know an angel carried my luggage to India?

Well, not literally 🙂 but it did happen…

I was all set to take off for a 3.5 months travel covering 5 countries. Luggage was becoming an issue because I needed to carry some special clothes for a couple of weddings in India. I was exploring the options to send them by air cargo but was scared by the stories of friends about the difficulties they faced with clearing customs in India. I felt stuck but kept using my favourite question – ‘How does it get any better than this?’

One fine day I got a call from a friend who had flown in to UK from India for a business meeting. She  asked me if I wanted her to carry anything for me because she was entitled to  two pieces of luggage and she had only one. How does it get any better than that? To me, she seemed like an angel  that saved me about 150£ and more importantly going through the hassle of clearing the customs!!! Woohoo… What does it take for us to create million such miracles today?

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Wishing you EJG,