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How to face an uncertain future!

How to face an uncertain future!

How have you been?

What is your prominent emotion when you think about your future? How does uncertainty make you feel? Who is creating your future? What is the first response you get?

Is life happening to you or are you creating your life? Either ways, there is always a possibility of moving from a place of stuck-ness to light-ness and that’s what Nila nudges all of us to choose via this gifted facilitation. Enjoy and go within as you listen to this facilitation. Link at the end!

Awareness Development circle:

“ I have attended ADC calls for many months now. Every session, something deep inside me gets released / gets healed. I have cried, felt blissful, felt loved when I experience the journeys you take me through. Every time I heal, I grow a little bit more 😀 –  get a bit more clarity on what makes me sing.. These days I feel the energy running on me even before the actual ADC journeys begin. Enjoying the magic happening inside me  Gratitude Nila.”

A beautiful testimony – Don’t you agree?

Would you like to start on YOUR inward journey?  If you have already started the journey, would you like to go a little bit deeper? These ADC journeys take you a lot deeper – within you!  Someone wise said -“If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place.”

Join us in these journeys and get that little bit closer to your true self.

Going beyond black magic and curses (certified course):

“Every thought that has ever been thought still exists” – Abraham Hicks

Whatever you think, you invite into your experience. Do you often feel things happen to you because of other’s unkind intentions, actions and emotions? Are you solidifying these as curses and black magic? 

Would you like some more clarity on these? Join us and also learn processes to overcome “those evil forces” that you are struggling to fight against. Let’s get empowered to see through these sources and neutralize them.

Facilitator courses:

Facilitators are on a roll – choosing the facilitator classes left and right! We can only envisage their enjoyment in taking these classes forward and spreading the light. We have quite a few facilitator classes in Nov. Refer to list of upcoming classes below, for details

Would you like to become a facilitator?  Register your interest here –

What doors would this open for all of us?

Abuse and Trauma protocol – on Sale!

Nila mentioned that an advanced protocol for  healing Abuse and Trauma is coming to  us shorty. The pre-requisite for which includes Abuse and trauma (Basic) protocol- it’s on offer this month. This protocol has been a life-changer – for many of us. You might want to avail this offer

How to face uncertain future!

Important Note: If any of the link doesn’t work, please copy and paste the URL in the address bar and press enter.


List of Upcoming Classes:

Training for Facilitators of Joyous Body Protocol

Training for Facilitators of Star Glow Facial

Training for Facilitators of Prosperity Activation Program

Finding your Super Power

Light Key Expert Healer (Certified)


Please feel free to explore free resources in our website:

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and YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

Are you wondering what more magic is available? Please visit our classes and shop for more details:

Please visit for more details

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we all create together?

In appreciation of you,
Infinite Healing Team