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Prosperity games that make money!

Prosperity games that make money!

How have you been? I have been well and creating a lot. In the last newsletter I had said that my mediumship was changing and I was recalibrating. Well, it has been a magical experience. Trance mediumship has always been my strongest forms of work and the experience has intensified.

By the way, if you known me personally, you would know that I am not a devotee of any guru or master and I have hard time putting people on a pedestal. At the same time, I am very open to receive contribution from everybody including the gurus and masters with or without the body. The interesting thing here is that I receive lots of kindness and grace from many masters that I am totally blown away. Let me share a magical story with you.

Magic Diary

One of my regular clients asked me to do remote healing on 24th April. When I started working, I lowered all my barriers and asked who would like to work with me. I sensed Sathya Sai Baba around me and he said he would take over. That’s all I know cognitively. I slept off. The next day when I woke up, I remembered this experience and was wondering how it went for the client and felt a tiny bit guilty that I was not “present” for the healing for my client. On 25th, I had a bars class in an apartment that I hired for the first time and the host is a Russian. When I went there guess whose photo greeted me! Of course, it was Sai Baba’s. My client called me today and she could hardly contain her excitement while saying that things shifted profoundly for her and around her. She wanted more of whatever “I” did to her. When I shared what happened, she was ecstatic and wanted even more.

How does it get any better than this? This is not the first miracle I have experienced with Sai Baba and other masters. My lack of dedication and reverence does not seem to hamper me creating these magical experiences with them. There is so much to share but I am lazy to write 🙂 What else is possible? I am doing a remote trance healing session on 9th May at 4pm BST. All you have to do is open yourself and receive the contribution from all the beings of light working through me.

If it is light for you, join me: .You do not have to receive it live. You can download the energy whenever you like.

Tool of the Day

The more prosperity games I play, the more money I receive. It is like I create and generate money by playing and having fun. How does it get any getter than this? Would you like to give it a go? Here is a game for you: Everyday before you go to bed and when you wake up, ask yourself ‘What/how/where/when/who would I be if I had more money than I could ever spend?’. Get into the energy of it. Ask the same question to your friends and talk about it. Collect pictures, videos, music and whatever that reflect the energy, if it is light to you. See what happens.

I have opened an exclusive group in FB for playing prosperity games and we are having loads of fun. Would you like to join?

Here is me on FB, if you like to befriend me:


Group healing session:

Did you know that the results of a research about the effects of bars blew a neurosurgeon away? Here is the video:

I am doing a Bars class in Crawley after a long time on May 10th:

The next foundation with new syllabus is on 30th and 31st May:  What magic can we create together?

Would you like to be a best selling author?

I’d like to introduce you to an amazing possibility for showcasing your talents, abilities and expertise. My friend Nilofer Safdar, who is a Bestselling author and a telesummit host is looking for Contributing Authors for 2 books she is creating on Personal Development and Money Mindset. Not only that, you also get to be a Speaker on her next telesummit coming up in Oct / Nov.

One of her targets is also to make this a bestselling book. She has strategies in place to do this. When she asked me to introduce her to some of my amazing friends, I thought of you. This would be a perfect opportunity for you to position yourself as an expert, get media exposure and get your word out there and shine. The beauty of this is that you only have to write one chapter and you will be a published author.

You can apply here – . I look forward to hearing from you all .

Infinite gratitude,