🎉 Site-wide Offer: December Gift for You! Get 21% OFF with Code DEC21%! Valid through New Year's Day 2025 🎊
**Save While You Celebrate You**

**Save While You Celebrate You**

Create ease with control! Watch this amazing facilitation by Nila.

Join ‘Moving From Control to Creation’ and step into a more empowered you!

Beat the stress and usher in the festive season with showing your body some love! Join the Joyous Body Protocol (JBP) Anniversary Celebration to experience Advanced JBP healing from JBP Level 1 practitioners. Stand a chance to WIN exciting gifts!

Register here:

Did you know that your ‘i’ can tell whether you stick to a single brand or like to experiment?

Did you know that your handwriting was a graph of your subconscious mind? It can give valuable insights into the workings of your mind.

Signature Analysis – Save and Step Up – Irresistible Christmas Offer!

A Signature is how you represent yourself to the world. Almost 60 percent of your personality is reflected in your signature alone. A signature analysis can give you an insight as to how your mind has been contributing to shaping up your life! If you have been feeling suck with a problem, then a signature analysis and graphotherapy can empower you to embrace the change you have been looking for!

Get a signature analysis done by Nila to expand your world. At a special discount for Christmas!

And…dotting the ‘ i ’ exactly over the stem indicates that you always stick to your preferred brand choices whereas variable dotting shows a flair for experimenting!

Get Your Best Work of Art

Have you ever considered how wonderful would it be if a piece of art could unlock the portals of the Universe to gift you all that you are willing to receive?

Get a Lightlogue especially for you. It is a divine work of art channelled by Nila especially for you. What doors are waiting to open up?! Will you choose yet?!

Get a lightogue at a special festive price and SAVE while you Expand!

AGE is just a number!

Go ageless! Drop the lies of aging that you have been feeding your body based on how other people around you age! Drop the diseases, disabilities and degeneration that seemingly inevitably accompany aging.

Gift your body a fresh lease of life with ‘Anti Aging With Advanced Light Matrix’

Save Big with our Offers before they are gone!

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Are you wondering what more magic is available? Please visit our classes and shop for more details:

Did you know that you can download the ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
IH Team