
Only Love!


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"To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness." ― Robert Muller
How many unresolved relationship dynamics do you have with yourself and others?
Just as Buddha said “Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one who gets burned.”
When you have emotions associated with unforgiveness like anger, resentment, grudge and vengefulness they harm you first by blocking your self-healing and also sabotage your relationships with everything.
Forgiveness is the possibility of a new start and a new space for greater things to show up. What if by choosing this call, you can move to that new start and new space to not only heal your current relationships, but also to be an invitation for amazing relationships with brighter possibilities?
Light Key tools and processes quickly help you achieve this space with such ease and grace, especially under Nila’s friendly and able guidance.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

"This was very insightful call and I need to listen it many times"

"Thank you Nila, golden warm the solar plexus that is releasing all the judgements"

"Thank you so much Nila… I absolutely love the practice sessions."

❤️ Product Inclusion:

  • Video and Audio Recordings. (Duration: 31 mins)

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Have you been struggling to shed kilos despite various efforts?

Have you considered the possibility of any stored resentments contributing to the excess fat/weight in your body?

As a defense mechanism against getting hurt, have you been adding layers of fat unconsciously?

If these questions bring up energy for you, you may purchase this potent recording to clear it up. Here Nila guides you with various exercises that can dissipate the locked resentments stored as fat layers!

❤️ Feedback:

"Layers and layers of excess fat have melted away. Amazing experience, releasing resentment towards my body, myself and relationships that stopped contributing to my life long ago, that I insisted on hanging on to."

"Feeling very light, Great meditation too"

❤️ Product Inclusion:

  • Video and Audio recordings. (Duration: 21 mins)

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What has forgiveness got to do with your financial reality?
"No act of forgiveness is too small if it liberates energy for you” ― unknown
Did you know that the cobwebs of anger, resentment and grudge can lock and block your financial reality? Yes! Money is energy and it likes to flow. It can be energetically barricaded by stuck feelings of resentment, anger, and blame.
When you are in blame and shame, you would not allow yourself to receive what you desire because you don’t believe you deserve! When you forgive and go beyond resentments, you not only clear the channels to receive, you also vibrate high to attract & manifest your desires.
So get ready to dust those sticky cobwebs of un-forgiveness and create an expanded space to exponentialize your financial reality through this liberating call.
Nila will be guiding you through various Forgiveness exercises with the Light Key tools and processes.
"you are a real blessing in my life- one for which I woke feeling much gratitude for this morning. The energy you sent me in yesterday's process had a good impact, physically and emotionally by the way 🙂"
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

"This was very insightful call and I need to listen it many times"

"Was feeling quite emotionally at the start..spinning and passing the key through the memories really helps"

"Thank you Nila, it’s a great process..."

❤️ Product Inclusion:

  • Video and Audio Recordings. (Duration: 28mins)

❤️ Purchase Individually:


Have you experienced deep disappointment, hurt or betrayal in an important relationship? Have you ever realised that these unresolved issues can affect your health, finances or relationships when you keep holding on to them? Or are you in war with your body in general?

Forgiveness is an incredible healing path for releasing those whom you believe to have wronged you, not for their sake, but for your own health and being. Holding onto an old resentment or grudge is like holding onto fire.

Would you like to move beyond all the bitterness and emotional wounds to heal your body and rise above the past? Through forgiveness, you can reclaim your power and strength and live your life to the fullest.

❤️  Feedback:

"Yesterday i gave a session of goldenwings protocol to a women who had issues with her children,It took 3 min. To go dowm from 8 to 2. So greatful to give these magics to the world. Gratitudes Nila"

"nice relaxed, lot of releasing took place"

❤️ Inclusion:
  • Audio and Video Recordings.

Forgiveness is the real superpower. It is the key to complete freedom. There is inherent wisdom in Forgiveness practices like Hooponopono. Forgiveness is not letting someone off the hook. It is about realising that you have moved away from your divinity and now you are willing to let go of the lies and reclaim it.

You might have heard of shadow selves and how difficult times or difficult people are there for you to grow. Whether you understand this Spiritual truth and are unable to do anything about it, or this idea outright angers you, forgiveness can definitely bring you the peace and freedom that you have given up and desire to get back.
Then there is the idea that you move through lifetimes to learn karmic lessons and you go through the same stuff till you learn it. What if the lesson was simply forgivess.
Join Nila for this free LIVE call for practitioners of the Light Key Protocol of Forgiveness to move beyond these 'Spiritual Wounds' and create from a space of freedom.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares on forgiveness protocol:
"Today which doing pooja on the first day of Navratri I was sent a belittling comment my way.. as to how inefficient my husband and I were in getting my kids haircut right (the hairdresser does it, btw). I felt tears brimming in my eyes as I dealt with unkindness for the umpteenth time. I quietly shut my eyes and did the forgiveness protocol on my eyes. In a matter of minutes there were tears of gratitude rather than hurt. I moved in to a space where I knew that this would go on till I learnt and forgave. Then it won't matter. I saw people for what they were and it wasn't personal anymore. After a while, my kid insisting on going to the lobby for Navratri as his friends would be there. I obliged and once I was down there, I had the most amazing 30 minutes. Thank you Nila and wonderful Light Key angels!"
"Such deep release of a memory from 2005 which I thought I released. Thank you so much for these" "Thank you so much Nila… I absolutely love the practice sessions."
"was feeling quite emotionally at the start..spinning and passing the key through the memories really helps" "thank you Nila, it’s a great process..."
❤️ Inclusion:
  • Audio and Video Recordings.

❤️ Purchase Individually:

$33 $22

If you are familiar with the Law of Attraction, then one of the steps is to 'feel' as if you already have what you want. Or, how would you feel if you had what you are asking for?! Isn't that a bummer? If you were able to feel happy, why would you be asking for things you think make you happy? This is one place where most people get stuck oftentimes.

Even though it sounds counter intuitive, it is important to let go of that envy, resentment, or anything else you might be feeling about having something/ not having it.
If you resent bills, will you get a house that would generate more bills for maintenance?
If you aren't comfortable paying for services, will you be willing to have cars or things that require you to seek services on an ongoing basis?
If you don't like paying people, can you ever have a business that would explode and require you to give payouts to your numerous employees?

Quit going around in circles and get to business by using the Light Key Forgiveness Protocol for manifesting your desires

❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

"Lot of release I choose to love accept n forgive myself deeply n completely .. that’s what is coming me Too much release Thank you Nila🙏🏻"

"Such deep release of a memory from 2005 which I thought I released. Thank you so much for these" "Thank you so much Nila… I absolutely love the practice sessions."

"was feeling quite emotionally at the start..spinning and passing the key through the memories really helps" "Something deep is shifting.Lots of calmness Thank you Nila🙏🏻"

❤️ Inclusion:
  • Audio and Video Recordings.

❤️ Purchase Individually:

$33 $29

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this product cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
For any queries/support, please click here.