Healing the Core: Release Belly Fat by Letting Go of Resentments



This product is created from the call conducted by Nila on 29th July 2024.
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About Healing the Core: Release Belly Fat by Letting Go of Resentments

Discover the surprising link between your emotions and your waistline in this eye-opening 30-minute workshop. Learn how stored resentments and unresolved trauma could be sabotaging your weight loss efforts, particularly around your midsection.
We'll explore practical techniques to:
  • Identify and release emotional baggage
  • Transform negative thought patterns
  • Cultivate self-compassion and body positivity
Walk away with simple, powerful tools to nurture both your mind and body, potentially kickstarting your journey to a flatter belly and a lighter heart.
This workshop offers a holistic approach to wellness that goes beyond diet and exercise.
Unburden your spirit, reclaim your health, and step into a more vibrant version of yourself!
❤️ Pre-requisite:
  • None.
❤️ Product Inclusion:
  • Video and Audio Recordings.
    (Duration: 32 Minutes)
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional support/medication you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

"I am in the hangover of yesterday’s call! I went for a foot Massage today, and I realised , at all those painful points I was holding a lot of resentments and old beliefs which weren’t working for me anymore, and I did the exercise we learnt yesterday in the call, while the foot massage was still on, and it was absolutely relieving!"

"Yesterday’s call was very potent and continued as well till early hours today ✨ I kept moving my hand while asleep to wherever I could feel a foreign element which melted away after a while. Hdigabtt? Body feels much lighter 💕Thank you nila for bringing light and lightness to our bodies"

"I felt relaxed and recharged after the session and above all I could actually feel the body release the energies , rejection and resentment I was storing in my womb! I am all set to embrace my feminity and power to create!! Immense gratitude for the session. Stay blessed"

"Layers and layers of excess fat have melted away. Amazing experience, releasing resentment towards my body, myself and relationships that stopped contributing to my life long ago, that I insisted on hanging on to."

For any queries/support, please click here.
❤️ Pre-requisite:
  • None.
❤️ Product Inclusion:
  • Video and Audio Recordings.
    (Duration: 32 Minutes)
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional support/medication you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

"I am in the hangover of yesterday’s call! I went for a foot Massage today, and I realised , at all those painful points I was holding a lot of resentments and old beliefs which weren’t working for me anymore, and I did the exercise we learnt yesterday in the call, while the foot massage was still on, and it was absolutely relieving!"

"Yesterday’s call was very potent and continued as well till early hours today ✨ I kept moving my hand while asleep to wherever I could feel a foreign element which melted away after a while. Hdigabtt? Body feels much lighter 💕Thank you nila for bringing light and lightness to our bodies"

"I felt relaxed and recharged after the session and above all I could actually feel the body release the energies , rejection and resentment I was storing in my womb! I am all set to embrace my feminity and power to create!! Immense gratitude for the session. Stay blessed"

"Layers and layers of excess fat have melted away. Amazing experience, releasing resentment towards my body, myself and relationships that stopped contributing to my life long ago, that I insisted on hanging on to."

For any queries/support, please click here.