Going beyond the greatest of addictions — Releasing the Root cause



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About Going beyond the greatest of addictions — Releasing the Root cause

This product is created from the group coaching call conducted by Nila on 06th October 2020.

Are you a people pleaser? Do you crave acknowledgement from others? Are you addicted to social media?

How is life going for you? Any attachment is a limitation - it is like having a string tied around your neck which is connected to a pole. The more number of people you have your life, the more number of people you need to please and the more noose around your neck! Suffocating, isn't it?

Practically we are all living in a virtual world heavily influenced by social media these days and living up to the expectation of the strangers could be pretty daunting experience.

All of this struggle could ease out with one decision - just only one!

Nila will lead you through this product using her extensive experience with numerous modalities and nudge them towards choosing something greater with her playful style.

❤️ Potential benefits:

    • Freedom from bondage and façade and living your authentic life
    • Restored physical energy
    • More clarity and focus
    • Improved self esteem
    • Happiness and Joy

❤️ Pre-requisite:

  • None

You can make INR payment through Google Pay to the number

(After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in WhatsApp or send the information to team@infinitehealing.co.uk)

❤️ Product Inclusion:

  • Video and audio recording.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
Feel free to write to us for any further queries on team@infinitehealing.co.uk