Transmuting Energy Blocks into Glow and Flow



This product is created from the call conducted by Nila on 28th February 2023.
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About Transmuting Energy Blocks into Glow and Flow

Energy Blocks are stagnant energy that prevent the flow and alignment in the body, mind and spirit.
What if this stuck energy can be used to create what you desire? How would it be if this stuck energy starts flowing? How much of your light will shine through? What else can flow into your life from this ever growing universe?
What if your energy blocks have the potency to flood your life with riches and well being?
❤️ Pre-requisite:
❤️ Product Inclusion:
  • Video and Audio Recordings.
    (Duration: 32 Minutes)
❤️ INR Payment Option:
For INR payments, you can use Paytm payment gateway. Set the page currency as “INR” and then select ‘Paytm’ during the checkout.
You can pay using QR code, UPI, bank transfer and credit/debit card as well.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares from previous calls:

"Dear Nila Mam, Today was such a hectic day for me, had electrical repairs going in in the house. In the evening I was feeling so tired, I just couldn't do the cleaning, my whole body was aching. I started commanding the Light Matrix & it worked like magic. I was high on energy  & finished all the cleaning. Thank you Mam. The Command is Magically Miraculous."

"When you did practice grid I wrote something. For which the answer is teaching I didn’t even place it the way it should be as it was rough and I write notes also on the paper but it worked  The fair grid I made nicely and kept for display I am sure will do wonders"

"I just love it... this whole grid thing connected me immediately to the memory & knowing of the magic I can be and change anything... and that alone makes me happy already !"

For any queries/support, please click here.
❤️ INR Payment Option:
For INR payments, you can use Paytm payment gateway. Set the page currency as “INR” and then select ‘Paytm’ during the checkout.
You can pay using QR code, UPI, bank transfer and credit/debit card as well.
❤️ Pre-requisite:
❤️ Product Inclusion:
  • Video and Audio Recordings.
    (Duration: 32 Minutes)