Expanding your Consciousness – Intense Spiritual Journey


INR: ₹4200
ILS: ₪184
This product is created from the class conducted by Nila on 11th December 2020.
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About Expanding your Consciousness – Intense Spiritual Journey


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❤️Product Inclusion:

  • Video and audio recordings.
❤️ Description:

In this meditative journey, Nila will lead you through an unforgettable experience of visiting different realms of this vast universe. This experience will not only help you with expanding & evolving your consciousness but will also be an invitation to fly high in your current life on the planet.

This journey is assisted by Master Mosho who showed up to Nila just a day before the live event. Are you curious - Who is Dr. Mosho? In Nila’s words

“Yesterday when I went to bed, I could not sleep and I sensed a high vibrational being near me. He introduced himself as Mosho, the spirit doctor. He said he wanted to impart his knowledge of Chinese medicine to me. Well, why would I say no? He touched my palms and heart and it was done! He also did some alignment work on my body and I passed out. Woke up earlier than usual with so full of energy, enthusiasm and inspiration.

Master Mosho is joining us today in the meditative journey and bringing his group too. we are going to receive physical healing from the spirit doctors apart from switching on our light codes and receiving ascension energy from ascended beings. This is going to be one intense journey today. This is the first time such journey is open to anyone without any pre-reqs.

Recommended to wear loose clothes, half empty stomach and be hydrated for this experience”

You can make INR payments through Google Pay to the number

(After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in WhatsApp or send the information to team@infinitehealing.co.uk)

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Feedback:

"I did the Journey to receive unique gifts and received 2 triangles as a star, a 6 pointed star- now I Understand its the Merkabah's cube. Thank you Nila,totally awesome"

"I am getting chills and goosebumps sply the left side of my body.. and this is kind a great knowing that all of this is information.. beautiful."

"Thank you so much Nila, for such a beautiful meditation. Feeling loved, light and expansive. The acute pain in my shoulders has dissolved with the healing from Dr. Mosho."

"Thank you so much for the awsomest meditation journey we did today. Future seems so bright and promising ????"

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