Decluttering the Body with Space Clearing
Product Details
Categories:Light Key - Leader, Wellbeing
About Decluttering the Body with Space Clearing
This product is created from the class conducted by Nila on 10th April 2021.
How much of clutter are you carrying in your body - physical or energetic? Sense your body right away and see where the flow is disrupted, Where there is stagnancy... How would it be to free your body of the clutter and enhance the energy flow in the body? Are you willing to let go of the "excesses" you have been hoarding in your body that are not contributing in any way? How would your body be then?
In this call, Nila is walking through the participants to clear the clutter from the body - hidden, suppressed or secretive, using Light Key Space clearing protocol.
❤️ Feedback:
“I am in profound gratitude to the universe and you for the class. My mother had a condition of the bone marrow that affected her bones, her spine, her back prominently. When I discovered light keys, I would sometimes be struck with a sense if regret that had we known the system earlier, she would have had profound tools to deal with her health. While I am in allowance of her choice, I would get a sense that she wished to heal. Today, that feels so complete. Everyone on the class will understand how profound this is to me. It is my awareness that it has been a contribution not just to me but to her as well!”
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❤️ Pre-requisite:
Product Inclusion:
- Video and Audio recordings.