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Tool of the Day

Tool of the Day

Dear friend,

How are you being today? Are you taking care of yourself well?

I am sorry that I have not been writing to you as much as I wish but I am intending to change it this year. I am planning to share self- help tools that I come across to help you with your journey as often as I can. How does it get any better than that?

I will also share interesting miracles I create to inspire you to create some. What else is possible?

Here is the miracle I made a couple of weeks back – yes, Dolphins showed up for me!!! :

Tool of the day

If you are stuck with a problem for a long time, perhaps you have polarity reversal. Collar bone breathing helps you correct this reversal and opens a window to receive healing. Here is a great video that demonstrates this technique:

This technique has been really helpful for me to unstuck from persisting issues. What contribution can this be for you today?

Will you choose to change your life for the better today by caring for you?

Let me know how you get along. I would love to hear from you.

Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. What if you can be the catalyst they need to care for themselves?

Wishing you ease, joy and glory in life.
