Would you allow me to help you?

Would you allow me to help you?

How are you? How is your vibration? Do you have difficulty keeping yourself afloat? Would you allow me to help you?

Free coaching session

I am offering a free group coaching session every month to offer my support to spread light and lightness across the planet.

In these calls, I use the numerous modalities to lead the group to raise above their lows and align with the creative source. I might also facilitate some individuals if the energy calls for it. Please feel free to register and bring your friends along:


If you like to feel better instantly, you may like to try this video:

Deals of April

I am offering 25% discount on my private sessions. This is the kind of feedback I receive on my private sessions:

I just realized I am 2 days past 33 days of drawing the kindness key. I remember practicing this key wondering if I would ever have the courage to start the 33 days. I love love love this key..
At the grocery store this morning..
I got a $12.99 bag of Halloween candy for #3.99..cause they put the wrong ticket on it..and as I was in the checkout line I looked down and there was a shiny penny heads up waiting for me. They are signs of prosperity for me.
I also did the kindness trial and felt my throat and jaw release and relax.. then I had a private hour kundalini chant session to heal and open my heart from the grieving I had been going thru for 11 months.
I just sat here in peace and relaxation tonight watching the world series.. doing my drawings. When I started the prosperity key I felt anxiety. I asked what is this? and it disappeared Now I am feeling light and ready for a great nights sleep..”

It was an amazing session. Now I am able to breathe easily and I got the thing that I don’t to have a business to have floods of money and freedom. I can create be it from the point where I’m right now.Thank you so much.

To book, go to the link below:


Coupon code: private25%

We also have intro price for facilitator’s training extended until end of April. You can become a facilitator of light keys with ease and grace and start changing people’s lives.

Light Key Frequency course is on 20$ discount:


Coupon code: lightkey-20$

Light key frequencies can be used on bodies to create huge transformation apart from using them to help with many life situations. These frequencies are like magic wands you can use to create change.

Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

What more magic can we create together?

In appreciation of you,
