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Would you be willing to gift you a phenomenal life?

Would you be willing to gift you a phenomenal life?

Dear friends,

How have you been?

I have been really busy since Access Level 2/3 with Gary Douglas. You may know that I thrive in ‘busy’ness. I had a profound conversation with Shoval Aloni on self, oneness,seeking approval etc. We got to release for seeking external approval using sedona method. I also attended the first call of ‘Curing the Incurable’ series with Liam Philips and Maz Zoulek. Gosh, these boys have some amazing insights on body and health. It was a fabulous call and I am so looking forward for the next call. They are also giving away 5 guided exercises with this series.

It is not too late to join the series:

How would your body and health be if you choose this class?

Tool of the day:

Have you been asking, dear friends? When did you last ask the universe for more money/ relationship/ joy or whatever you desire? Or have you asked and decided it is not working or confused how to ask the universe? What if the space from which you are asking is more important than the words you use?

Here is a checklist for asking and receiving: Ask questions (Not conclusions with question marks please)

Eg: What would it take to receive more money with ease? – This is a question What would it take for me to find another job which is more expansive? – This has a conclusion that your current job cannot be expansive.

What if you are closing down that possibility with this question? Are you fixated on the outcome? When you are fixated on the outcome, you are limiting the universe to bring what you desire to the one possibility you think is available.

But don’t we have infinite possibilities? eg: What would it take for me to get this order from this client before this date? – Does this feel heavy or light for you? Do you see that this question limits the universe to bring you more of what you are looking for to just this one possibility? Are you asking from behind your barriers? All the thoughts, feelings and emotions create energetic barrier between you and the universe. If you ask for something hiding inside this energetic fortress, can the universe bring you what you have asked for? What would it take for you to be open to receive the infinite possibilities the universe can offer you?

You could purchase the guided exercises to release limiting emotions from here:

Oh, yes… that brings me to the juicy part of this newsletter. See below

Holiday gift packages:

Hope you have finished your christmas purchases… did you get a present for you? Ooops! How many of you forgot yourself? I have put together two holiday gift packages for you with huge discounts and a bonus gift worth 20$.

New beginning – 7 recordings for 49$ 46% discount + 20$ worth gift

Are you tired of going around in circles with the same old patterns of life? Is it time to create more joyful abundant life style? The recordings in this package clears the old energy that is limiting you and helps you create the life you desire. Would you gift a phenomenal life to yourself? How would your life be after one year if you use these recordings? This package includes, Clarity with ease – 15$ Are you willing to destroy and uncreate your past? – 15$ Expand your money flow with ease – 15$ Happiness with ease – 15$ Quick stress relief Access Consciousness – 15$ Break the patterns that keep you stuck – 15$ Bonus: Health with Ease – 20$

To purchase, please click here:

Expansion beyond belief – 11 recordings for 69$ 52% discount + 20$ worth gift

Have you ever imagined how your phenomenal life be? What if you can create much beyond your imagination and belief? This package gives you tools to expand your life beyond your wildest dreams. How can you use your talents and abilities to create more Money, intimate Relationships and lasting happiness? How can you be all of you and the true gift you truly are? How would your life be after one year if you use these recordings? This package includes, The Gorgeous You – 15$ Expand your talents, abilities and performance with ease – 15$ Relationship with ease – 15$ Expanding life with ease – for kids – 15$ Claiming all of you with ease – 15$ Expanding beyond fear – 15$ Expand your money flow with ease – 15$ Happiness with ease – 15$ Guided exercises – 10$ Quick stress relief Access Consciousness – 15$ Bonus: Health with Ease – 20$

To purchase, please click here:

Well, we are also offering 33% discount on all the products. All these offers end on 31st Dec.