“Festival of Lights was a wonderful experience for me. Everyday receiving blissful healing transmission from light key facilitator guided by Nila. My unforgettable moments was on last day when we received prosperity blessings and I still clearly remember images of Lord Ganesha and Lord Lakshmi blessing me…it was so exciting to hear about transformation during session and prizes everyday…. It’s been an amazing journey since then.. Keep choosing and receiving light and lightness…”
“So much gratitude for the festival! I must say I would have so many points of view, judgements and comparisons about ‘ how much aware’ me or someone else was. Less or more or whatever. Now I am beginning to get how much of a mind trap it is. I kept getting aware or noticing ‘mind and it’s chatter’ as distinctly an entity but not me. Mind and no mind. Thank you to all facilitators. I’m truly grateful for your being. It is a gift. I’m repeating but I honestly can’t stop”
“Thank you sooooo much Nila. I was feeling like i am standing under the rain where Light key frequencies, Symbols, grace, blessings all showering on me . HOW DOES IT GET BETTER THAN THIS. THank You all healers , Blessed and grateful to be here today TOOOOOO GOOOD.THANK YOU SO MUCH NILA”
“Can’t believe that I attended such an amazing amazing session and receiving so much from all expert healers and Nila. Thank you each and everyone for your contributions and am feeling very awesome. Thank you for my gift. Will be looking forward to the next festival of light”
“Thank you sooo much for the Festival of Lights.. it’s not just giving the glimps of all the light key processes n protocols.. but so much awareness through dft dft facilitators.. all are creating magic everyday .. Thank you to each n everyone who is contributing to our lives”