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Humanity is evolving from a lower, denser vibration (often associated with fear, separation, and limitation) to a higher, more expansive vibration (associated with love, unity, and enlightenment) and for some humans, this journey may be as painful as a birthing. Galactic guides from various realms are helping humanity to go through this phase with ease and grace.
Nila has been working with Cosmic Elders from Ancients, Sirians and Arcturians and they are excited to come together and offer their healing support and open 33 new doors of entirely new possibilities for humanity. These doors of light bring massive shifts in our body, mind and spirit and take us to a whole new magical reality.
Ancients are Cosmic elders and guardians of Earth’s spiritual heritage, helping humanity reconnect with the wisdom of the planet & live a life of holistic well-being on Earth.
Sirians are Keepers of ancient spiritual knowledge who assist in emotional healing and awakening higher truths within individuals.
Arcturians are Master healers specializing in spiritual technologies to accelerate healing and elevate consciousness to higher dimensions.

❤️ What you can expect from this Mystical Healing Experience:

  • 33 New Doors of Possibility: Experience the opening of energetic portals that will unlock new potentials in your life.
  • Healing from Galactic Guides: Receive profound healing and guidance from the Sirians, Ancients, and Arcturians, tailored to your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Emotional Release: Let go of old emotional patterns, traumas, and blockages that have kept you stuck in lower vibrations.
  • Higher Consciousness Activation: Elevate your awareness and align with higher frequencies to experience greater unity, love, and inner peace.
  • Energetic Re-balancing: Restore balance within your energy field, helping you feel more grounded, centered, and at peace.
  • Personal and Collective Shifts: Contribute to the collective evolution of humanity while also experiencing profound personal transformation.
Are you ready to unlock new doors of possibility and step into a higher, more vibrant reality? Register now to receive healing support from the Cosmic Elders and experience profound shifts in your body, mind, and spirit.
Reserve your spot now and step through the doors of light into your new reality!.

❤️ How does it work?

Nila, along with the Cosmic Elders, will set up the healing stream for the registrants. This healing stream flows through the registrants and uplifts their life holistically. The healing is custom for every individual for their highest good.
Even though there is no need to connect to the stream consciously to receive the benefits, it is also recommended to connect every now and then to experience the energy and sense of support. The access information will be shared with the registrants for them to connect to the stream any time between the chosen time period.
The healing stream will be set up to start on Nov 1st 2024 and Nila will be adding the participants energetically  as stream’s beneficiaries as and when they join.
It’s all virtual and absent.

33 New Doors of Light: Mystical Healing with Sirians, Ancients, and Arcturians

1st Nov 2024 to 31st Oct 2025

33 New Doors of Light: Mystical Healing with Sirians, Ancients, and Arcturians

1st Nov 2024 to 31st Oct 2025

❤️ Investment:
One Year:
Three Months:
One Month:
❤️ Investment:
One Year:
Three Months:
One Month:
❤️ Inclusion:
  • Instructions to Receive Blessings.
❤️ Inclusion:
  • Instructions to Receive Blessings.
Humanity is evolving from a lower, denser vibration (often associated with fear, separation, and limitation) to a higher, more expansive vibration (associated with love, unity, and enlightenment) and for some humans, this journey may be as painful as a birthing. Galactic guides from various realms are helping humanity to go through this phase with ease and grace.
Nila has been working with Cosmic Elders from Ancients, Sirians and Arcturians and they are excited to come together and offer their healing support and open 33 new doors of entirely new possibilities for humanity. These doors of light bring massive shifts in our body, mind and spirit and take us to a whole new magical reality.
Ancients are Cosmic elders and guardians of Earth’s spiritual heritage, helping humanity reconnect with the wisdom of the planet & live a life of holistic well-being on Earth.
Sirians are Keepers of ancient spiritual knowledge who assist in emotional healing and awakening higher truths within individuals.
Arcturians are Master healers specializing in spiritual technologies to accelerate healing and elevate consciousness to higher dimensions.
❤️ What you can expect from this Mystical Healing Experience:
  • 33 New Doors of Possibility: Experience the opening of energetic portals that will unlock new potentials in your life.
  • Healing from Galactic Guides: Receive profound healing and guidance from the Sirians, Ancients, and Arcturians, tailored to your body, mind, and spirit.
  • Emotional Release: Let go of old emotional patterns, traumas, and blockages that have kept you stuck in lower vibrations.
  • Higher Consciousness Activation: Elevate your awareness and align with higher frequencies to experience greater unity, love, and inner peace.
  • Energetic Re-balancing: Restore balance within your energy field, helping you feel more grounded, centered, and at peace.
  • Personal and Collective Shifts: Contribute to the collective evolution of humanity while also experiencing profound personal transformation.
Are you ready to unlock new doors of possibility and step into a higher, more vibrant reality? Register now to receive healing support from the Cosmic Elders and experience profound shifts in your body, mind, and spirit.
Reserve your spot now and step through the doors of light into your new reality!.
❤️ How does it work?.
Nila, along with the Cosmic Elders, will set up the healing stream for the registrants. This healing stream flows through the registrants and uplifts their life holistically. The healing is custom for every individual for their highest good.
Even though there is no need to connect to the stream consciously to receive the benefits, it is also recommended to connect every now and then to experience the energy and sense of support. The access information will be shared with the registrants for them to connect to the stream any time between the chosen time period.
The healing stream will be set up to start on Nov 1st 2024 and Nila will be adding the participants energetically  as stream’s beneficiaries as and when they join.
It’s all virtual and absent.

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady’. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady’. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional support/medication you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this course cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional support/medication you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this course cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

“Nila Mam, My heart is filled with so much Gratitude to you. Truly blessed to have crossed paths with you. I just realised this morning, The Ancients Blessing Stream has been healing my Mummy too. My Mummy is 84 yrs & has a knee issue, it was difficult for her to walk, she used to be in a lot of pain, this morning I saw that she was walking much better than usual & with not much pain. I have even realised that this fear I have of something happening to my Mummy has just gone. I realised that I have Surrendered everything with Faith knowing that I am being taken care of. Lots of Love & Blessings to you Nila Mam. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🌹”

“I simply love it. I felt so much bliss in me and around me, so much ease. Most especially I could stay unperturbed even when I got judged big time and in the middle of conflicts. I am enjoying my new work inspite of all the challenges and that is so muchhh change. I am loving myself and how I am handling things. And yes unexpected international travel to a beautiful thai island was simply great. Learned so much about myself. Thankyou Nila for your contribution as always. It feels as though the Divine has its hand over my head constantly 🙏🙌❤️✨ God bless everyone ❤️”

“All I can say is I’m so grateful for joining this stream. I have just returned from 5 magical days in Crete. I haven’t traveled in over 6 years due to an accident 4 years ago. My dear friend invited me to this trip and as a team we were in complete synchronization. Every single thing we chose to do became instantly available to us. Even though it was peak season and everything is “fully booked”. I have returned a little ill physically and the stream are helping me with this too. I love my life. I’m so grateful and happy to be alive and here. 💜💕”

“💫🙏🏽My gratitude to Nila and the Ancients. This month has been with the blessings, healing and energies brought through you by the ancients made for a month of growing more aware, centered and equanimous. It is amazing how smoothly and joyously the month went by. From within the ancients drew out the energy the magnanimity, and grace to meet and attend to whatever the day brought me. My gratitude and thanks for all that you have brought to help heal and thrive.🙏🏽”

“I had a wonderful Birthday 🎂🎉. Received so many calls from friends & relatives who rarely call. Gifts kept pouring in & also got ₹50,000 as a Birthday gift from my Aunty which was quite a surprise. And I received white Candle holders in the shape of a Lotus ❤️. Grateful & Thankful for everything today 🤗 Thank you”

❤️ Here are some amazing shares:

“Today I got a nice gift a surprising phone call from a performers’ copyrights organization, that I was a member in from 1996… and I totally forgot about it 🙂 They told me they were searching for me for a while, and wanted to pay me royalties for some small dubbing/voice over works that I did few years ago, for 3-4 animated movies that were dubbed from English to Hebrew (the Lego movie, Zootropolis, and 2 more works I really haven’t even remembered that I did :). So they are about to pay me almost 200$ to my account :)) I know it’s the ancients’ contribution to remembering and receiving from my own creations And it’s such a great tribute… it made me smile today 🙂 So grateful!”

“Nila Mam, My heart is filled with so much Gratitude to you. Truly blessed to have crossed paths with you. I just realised this morning, The Ancients Blessing Stream has been healing my Mummy too. My Mummy is 84 yrs & has a knee issue, it was difficult for her to walk, she used to be in a lot of pain, this morning I saw that she was walking much better than usual & with not much pain. I have even realised that this fear I have of something happening to my Mummy has just gone. I realised that I have Surrendered everything with Faith knowing that I am being taken care of. Lots of Love & Blessings to you Nila Mam. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you 🌹”

“I simply love it. I felt so much bliss in me and around me, so much ease. Most especially I could stay unperturbed even when I got judged big time and in the middle of conflicts. I am enjoying my new work inspite of all the challenges and that is so muchhh change. I am loving myself and how I am handling things. And yes unexpected international travel to a beautiful thai island was simply great. Learned so much about myself. Thankyou Nila for your contribution as always. It feels as though the Divine has its hand over my head constantly 🙏🙌❤️✨ God bless everyone ❤️”

“All I can say is I’m so grateful for joining this stream. I have just returned from 5 magical days in Crete. I haven’t traveled in over 6 years due to an accident 4 years ago. My dear friend invited me to this trip and as a team we were in complete synchronization. Every single thing we chose to do became instantly available to us. Even though it was peak season and everything is “fully booked”. I have returned a little ill physically and the stream are helping me with this too. I love my life. I’m so grateful and happy to be alive and here. 💜💕”

“💫🙏🏽My gratitude to Nila and the Ancients. This month has been with the blessings, healing and energies brought through you by the ancients made for a month of growing more aware, centered and equanimous. It is amazing how smoothly and joyously the month went by. From within the ancients drew out the energy the magnanimity, and grace to meet and attend to whatever the day brought me. My gratitude and thanks for all that you have brought to help heal and thrive.🙏🏽”

“I had a wonderful Birthday 🎂🎉. Received so many calls from friends & relatives who rarely call. Gifts kept pouring in & also got ₹50,000 as a Birthday gift from my Aunty which was quite a surprise. And I received white Candle holders in the shape of a Lotus ❤️. Grateful & Thankful for everything today 🤗”

Please feel free to register and share with your family and friends.

For any queries/support, please click here.


November 1 @ 12:00 PM EDT
October 31, 2025 @ 9:00 PM EDT
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