Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit with Light Matrix
29th June 2023
11:00 AM EST / 4:00 PM BST / 6:00 PM Israel / 8:30 PM India / 1:00 AM AET (Next Day)
Duration: 45 Minutes (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
- Audio and Video Recordings.
- None.

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady’. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.
“Nila, Thank you for Light Matrix, I have a skin allergy which show up once in a while.It begins very small and then gets bigger and then fades slowly. This usually takes 10 days to 2 weeks. Sometimes it takes a little longer.I called the light matrix to clear cancel and transmute this.After 1 hour it had faded a little. I had an awareness (thank you Nila for repeatedly telling us to to trust our awareness to do it every hour.I did it quite frequently.By night it was gone. Immense gratitude Nila. Thank you.”
“I share a magic healing my student told me yesterday,She had a customer who had a sever back pain, so much even the voltrain shot didn’t help…Then my student ask her body what required,And all it ask was the Light matrix command!,Whithin minutes it desipatted the pain….”
“Loving the change,New body tonned . feeling so much lighter in my body,My shoulders have melted down .my arms tonned and slimmer.Light matrix working wonders like a magic wand .Nila … thank you so much.”
“Yeah it’s tons of work done. I kept yawning and yawning and eyes watering without any cognitive awareness. I am feeling thought less and energized after the call. What more magic awaits I wonder? Thank you so much Nila as usual”
“Wooohh I’ve been feeling lighter, feel like each clogged sensation is a matrix of the light(energy), we are moving past to nothingness to be what we’d prefer or everything loved today’s class.”
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