Basic Light Key Blueprint Course for Life and Beyond
03rd Nov 2022
10:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM Israel / 7:30 PM India / 1:00 AM AET (Next Day)
Duration: 3 Hrs (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
- None.
- User Manual.
- Video and Audio recordings.
You will receive a $11 gift coupon if you purchase this course and the Light Key Intermediate Blueprint Course For Life and Beyond—V4 – 9th Nov.
- Foundational master key practice
- Prosperity Anchor
- Kindness Healing Experience
- Belief clearing Protocol
- Empowered to be the master of your own universe!
- Physical & Emotional healing
- Dissolving limiting beliefs that create self-sabotage
- Prosperity consciousness
$88 if not yet purchased.
If you are a repeater you are eligible for 50% discount. Coupon code will be shared to you in Email. For queries, please write to
Note: Offer expires after the class.

* “Done with my basic blueprint class today and it was so much fun with the keys. Loved facilitating every bit of the class. Just magical class and the participants were so much in allowance.❤️❤️” *
“I am a participant of very first class held in Mumbai in 2018. Since then I’ve been doing many protocols and frequencies. The Mumbai class culminated to Basic Blueprint Course with few additional keys and protocols. All along I didn’t feel the need to the BBC and skipped courses where it was a pre-req. To advance further, I chose to do Intermediate in near future for which this is a must requirement. I bought it today and did my first fear and ease key! Just 1 day 33 times..Results? Magical!I was on my office concall with a never before confidence and all conversations were cohesive and easeI was fearing something and that charge has simply gone awayI feel so light in the head and this blast of energy through kindness healing experience has me bubbling throughoutBack to basics, yet learnt something new and recreated the magic that was so simple to create..”
“I feel so energized and feelings of bliss… just from practicing after the blue print seminar❤️ Thank you @Nila IH”
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