Call 4: Certified Level 3 Light Medicine Practitioner Course
Date: 30th July 2020 | Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST | Duration: 3 hrs
(Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Description:
In this level you will learn a few light key healing processes to keep your vibration high in order to maintain a healthy body. This class will also help you to tap into higher realms and the vibration of limitless 5th dimensional reality. If you practice these techniques regularly, you may be able to embrace your unique healing gifts and channel new healing processes. This could be a very empowering and life changing experience.
This level will help you embody light and lightness with ease.
As a certified practitioner, you can use these processes on your clients to contribute to their body and health – in person or remote.
To receive the certification, you have to pass a quiz and successfully complete a case study of a remote session.
Guide for prerequisites validation
If you have any questions regarding the prerequisites please email us to:
❤️ Course Prerequisite:
- Certified Basic Light Medicine Practitioner
- Certified Level 1 Light Medicine Practitioner
- Certified Level 2 Light Medicine Practitioner
- Crystaline healing chamber
- Journey into 5th dimension to receive your own unique key
- Journey through Crystalline ascension portal and work with DNA crystal
- Light Key Basic blueprint
- Light Key Intermediate V2
- Joyous body protocol V2
- Joyous Embodiment
- Art of facilitation
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- Certification
- Manual
- Class Recording
Light Medicine – An empowering journey to embrace and embody light and lightness
Dates: 18th June, 2nd, 16th & 30th July 2020 | Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST | Duration: 3 hrs
Light medicine is an energy healing journey into having a light and healthy body. This course has 4 levels and each level not only empowers you to love and heal your body but also moves you towards embodying light and lightness. All the levels include certification and so you will be authorized to apply these techniques on your healing practice as well.
Besides, this course includes the following 3 very potent attunements performed on every participant individually and personally:
- Attunement to Vortex of Light
- Aligning the brain to light particulates
- Installation of light grid
Nila downloads more information almost on daily basis and so it’s very likely that she adds more bonuses along the way.
Guide for prerequisites validation
If you have any questions regarding the prerequisites please email us to:
❤️ Prerequisite to attend all 4 calls:
- Light Key Basic blueprint
- Light Key Intermediate V2
- Joyous body protocol V2
- Joyous Embodiment
- Basic light key frequencies
- Light key frequencies for limitless reality
- Crystaline healing chamber
- Journey into 5th dimension to receive your own unique key
- Journey through Crystalline ascension portal and work with DNA crystal
- Art of facilitation
Call 1: Certified Basic Light Medicine Practitioner Course
Date: 18th June 2020 | Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST | Duration: 3 hrs
(Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Description:
Light key healing system was introduced as a self-healing system and now it is expanding to a distant healing system.
In the recent times, many elements of universe are being revealed to be commanded to expand our consciousness and mastery. In this course you will learn about the following elements and how to use them to contribute to your clients and families:
- Vortex of Light
- Vortex of Emerald earth energy
- Vortex of Blue bubble energy
- Ascension vortex of kindness
These elements not only help you to clear, cleanse, purify, reset the body but also help you to set up a platform to create a healthy body.
You will also learn a health reset protocol using these elements.
As a certified practitioner, you can use these elements & protocol on your clients to contribute to their body and health – in person or remote.
To receive the certification, you have to pass a quiz and successfully complete a case study of a remote session.
The vortex of light attunement helps you to create light and lightness across your body and life. (Please read the details in the purchase receipt to understand more.) You can also use it to contribute to your clients.
Here is the testimonial on the personal activation of Vortex of Light:
“I slept so peacefully for nearly 2.5hrs.. woke up now.. as if I am healed completely.
My third eye is still vibrating in between”
❤️ Course Prerequisite:
- No Prerequisite.
- Art of facilitation course is highly recommended.
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- Personal attunement to Vortex of Light
- Certification
- Manual
- Class Recording
❤️ Claims:
- If you are already attuned to Vortex of Light, please claim your discount code for 22$ by writing to us at
Call 2: Certified Level 1 Light Medicine Practitioner Course
Date: 2nd July 2020 | Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST | Duration: 3 hrs
(Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Description:
In this level you will learn the organ detox protocol for detoxing individual organs by removing pathogens, toxins and any other foreign element using light key frequencies, processes and commands.
The attunement for aligning the brain to light particulate will help you to receive light medicine more effectively. This is done by Nila on each individual participant at a different schedule. Please read the details in the purchase receipt to understand more.
Here is the testimonial on the attunement to light particulates:
“I am still spinning from the attunment.It’s like I desire to conquer the world..”
As a certified practitioner, you can use these elements & protocol on your clients to contribute to their body and health – in person or remote.
To receive the certification, you have to pass a quiz and successfully complete a case study of a remote session.
Guide for prerequisites validation
If you have any questions regarding the prerequisites please email us to:
❤️ Course Prerequisite:
- Certified Basic Light Medicine Practitioner
- Basic light key frequencies
- Light key frequencies for limitless reality
- Art of facilitation course is not a prerequisite, but highly recommended.
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- Personal attunement to Aligning the brain to light particulates
- Certification
- Manual
- Class Recording
❤️ Claims:
- If you have already received the attunement to light particulates, please claim your discount code for 18$ by writing to us at
Call 3: Certified Level 2 Light Medicine Practitioner Course
Date: 16th July 2020 | Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST | Duration: 3 hrs
(Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Description:
In this level you will learn two powerful protocols:
- Body regeneration protocol: In this protocol, you will learn a procedure to activate the regenerative energies of individual organs.
- Body vitalization protocol: This protocol brings additional energy required for the body to regenerate the organs.
The installation of light grid will help you to create a body of light and lightness. This is done by Nila on each individual participant at a different schedule. Please read the details in the purchase receipt to understand more.
As a certified practitioner, you can use these elements & protocol on your clients to contribute to their body and health – in person or remote.
To receive the certification, you have to pass a quiz and successfully complete a case study of a remote session.
Guide for prerequisites validation
If you have any questions regarding the prerequisites please email us to:
❤️ Course Prerequisite:
- Certified Basic Light Medicine Practitioner
- Certified Level 1 Light Medicine Practitioner
- Light Key Basic blueprint
- Light Key Intermediate V2
- Joyous body protocol V2
- Joyous Embodiment
- Art of facilitation
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- Personal light grid installation
- Certification
- Manual
- Class Recording
❤️ Claims:
- If you have already received the installation of light grid, please claim your discount code for 11$ by writing to us at
Feel free to write to us for any further queries on
Disclaimer: This call is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught in this call.