Going beyond Rejection
Date: 7th Apr 2020
Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM GMT / 8.30 PM IST
Duration: 60 Mins
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Rejection is something you can experience everywhere every minute. If someone bypasses you, you may feel disrespected; If someone does not respond to your text message, you may feel neglected; If someone does not acknowledge your work, you may feel invalidated… there is no end to it if you are deriving your worth from outside.
If our value is outside, we can never be happy. Our control is in someone else’s hand when we seek your self worth from others. We are swayed by other people’s opinion and behaviour. We get hurt easily and live in blame and shame all the time.
No one can make us feel we are worthy or unworthy. It is totally an insider’s job. Only when we are empty inside, we expect others to fill our cups. Is it an empowering space to be in?
Nila invites you for her online class ‘Going beyond rejection‘ and set yourself free!
Nila is a coach, medium, facilitator, author and entrepreneur with over 2 decades of experience in working with people. She, with her playful style, will be leading the group to release their limitations using her extensive experience with numerous modalities and nudge them towards choosing your greatness.
Feel free to write to us for any further queries on team@infinitehealing.co.uk
Disclaimer: This call is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught in this call.