❤️ Potential applications:
- Conflict in personal & professional relationships
- Conflict with the body
- Financial & business conflicts
- Legal battle
- War within you
$66 $52 if not yet purchased.
Light Key Protocol for Conflict Resolution
24th May 2023
9:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM BST / 4:00 PM Israel / 6:30 PM India / 11:00 PM AEDT
Duration: 1 Hr (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Course Investment:
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- User Manual.
- Video and Audio recordings.
❤️ Course Pre-requisite:
- None.
❤️ Potential applications:
- Conflict in personal & professional relationships
- Conflict with the body
- Financial & business conflicts
- Legal battle
- War within you
$66 $52 if not yet purchased.
- Pass a simple Quiz with 60%.
❤️ Certification Pre-requisites:
- Light Key Protocol for Conflict Resolution
- Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality (OR) Light Key Frequencies and Vortices for Limitless Reality
- Light Keys for Life and Beyond! (Intermediate Course-V3)(OR) Light Key Intermediate Blueprint Course For Life and Beyond-V4

“I was having some conflict with a very close family member since few months and this caused utter distress in my world . I was looping over the anger and hurt . I choose the Light Key Protocol (LKPf) for Conflict Resolution . During the class Nila ran the process for ancestral healing and healing of any conflict created at that level . I held this particular family member and myself in the equation as she was running the command . To my utter joy and surprise , I received a friendly call from this family member the very next day , and the whole energy of anger, hurt ,melted between us and we share a very harmonious relationship now.”
“Guys, I have been listening to the conflict resolution protocol since 3 days. I keep getting zonked. I still play in background while I work. Whilst I was cleaning up my house I carried my phone around while it played. The TV which wasn’t working and the ac switch that wouldn’t start or even get replaced started functioning as if by magic! Things around also have their own consciousness. My takeaway!”
“Conflict resolution protocol ..put a person in a very critical condition back to consciousness and healed his ruptured lungs in totality much against the timelines and expectations of the Medical fraternity in my Universe .. Walking him through the Golden globe of Kindness…. And .. healing process of the Earth.. for his further recovery.. Thanks a lot Nila Ma’am.”
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