$55 if not yet purchased.
“abuse and trauma and forgiveness classes/protocol changed my life” “From the moment I joined the call, I felt relief also can feel lightness after practicing the steps”
“Suguna since the day I did Light Key Protocol for Healing Abuse & Trauma Class with you my perception towards life & day to day happenings changed completely 🙏🏻 Nothing whatsoever can pull me down after using this powerful tool … And your practise sessions after class were mindblowing more like a class only.. Abuse & Trauma protocol learnt by heart it comes to me with ease in my awareness whenever & wherever & however stuck 😂 I apply it …Thankyou for your magic dear for making it so simple ♥️ Thankyou @Nila IH immense Gratitude for Channeling Protocols where we don’t need to call ourselves ‘Oh! Poor thing ..What do I do now😱 ‘ Just Use & Chill ✨🤸”
“so tired of being stuck in fear and paranoia and anger. Im holding on to other peoples energy bc of trauma. Im ready to say goodbye To it!! Thank you for this!!!!Thank you Suguna and all the participants for this powerful class!!! Much much gratitude for and to all of you!!”
Light Key Protocol for Healing Abuse and Trauma
18th Jan 2023
09:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM Israel / 7:30 PM India / 1:00 AM AEDT (Next Day)
Duration: 1 Hour (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Course Investment:
❤️ Course Pre-requisite:
- None
- User Manual.
- Video and Audio recordings.
$55 if not yet purchased.
❤️ Certification Pre-requisites:
- Light Key Protocol for Healing Abuse and Trauma – course
- Must have Certification of Light Key Frequencies – Transformational processes for body, life and beyond
- Must have Certification of Joyous Body Protocol
- Light Keys for Life and Beyond! (Intermediate Course-V3) (OR) Light Key Intermediate Blueprint Course For Life and Beyond-V4
- Conscious and Prosperous healer – Basic (certification not required)
- Pass a descriptive quiz with 60%.
- Complete a case study successfully.

“abuse and trauma and forgiveness classes/protocol changed my life” “From the moment I joined the call, I felt relief also can feel lightness after practicing the steps”
“Suguna since the day I did Light Key Protocol for Healing Abuse & Trauma Class with you my perception towards life & day to day happenings changed completely 🙏🏻 Nothing whatsoever can pull me down after using this powerful tool … And your practise sessions after class were mindblowing more like a class only.. Abuse & Trauma protocol learnt by heart it comes to me with ease in my awareness whenever & wherever & however stuck 😂 I apply it …Thankyou for your magic dear for making it so simple ♥️ Thankyou @Nila IH immense Gratitude for Channeling Protocols where we don’t need to call ourselves ‘Oh! Poor thing ..What do I do now😱 ‘ Just Use & Chill ✨🤸”
“so tired of being stuck in fear and paranoia and anger. Im holding on to other peoples energy bc of trauma. Im ready to say goodbye To it!! Thank you for this!!!!Thank you Suguna and all the participants for this powerful class!!! Much much gratitude for and to all of you!!”
Please feel free to register and share with your family and friends.