$66 $52 if not yet purchased.
“I finally purchased the intimacy protocol after much logical avoidance which went on for months. All cost calculating and planning finally flew out the window. It has given me a new lease of life! Like a fresh breath. Barriers have gone down. All struggle, difficulty melted away. My awareness is, Intimacy protocol enables us to choose contributive energies more easily and drop all that doesn’t contribute.”
“I have already done Intimacy Protocol. Yesterday I decided to repeat with manual. In the morning new contacts appeared abd old ones immediately cancelled the meetings.Concerning tomorrow’s Intimacy Protocol, I am very interested in Nila’s words: You are in great desire to meet your twin flame but maybe he is not incarnated in this reality? I am in deep interest… And you?”
“yawning a lot and feel some kind of tingling all over my body,My periods were delayed almost for 2 weeks and just now I got my periods, feel a lot of relief specially in my heart , solar and sacral chakra, thank you so much Nila“
“Intimacy protocol has created great shifts in my life, my body, my relationship. I feel like dancing, singing, expansion, joy in all spheres, Thank you so much” “wonderful session. Feeling lot better”
Light Key Protocol for Intimacy
31st October 2023
9:30 AM EST / 1:30 PM GMT / 3:30 PM Israel / 7:00 PM India / 12:30 AM AET (Next Day)
Duration: 1 Hour (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)
❤️ Course Investment:
❤️ Course Inclusion:
- User Manual.
- Video and Audio recordings.
❤️ Course Pre-requisite:
- None.
$66 $52 if not yet purchased.
❤️ Certification Pre-requisites:
- Light Key Protocol for Intimacy – Course.
- Must have Certification of Light Key Frequencies – Transformational processes for body, life and beyond.
- Must have Certification of Joyous Body Protocol.
- Light Keys for Life and Beyond! (Intermediate Course-V3) (OR) Light Key Intermediate Blueprint Course For Life and Beyond-V4.
- Conscious and Prosperous healer – Basic (certification not required).
- Pass a simple Quiz with 60%.
- Complete a case study successfully.

“I finally purchased the intimacy protocol after much logical avoidance which went on for months. All cost calculating and planning finally flew out the window. It has given me a new lease of life! Like a fresh breath. Barriers have gone down. All struggle, difficulty melted away. My awareness is, Intimacy protocol enables us to choose contributive energies more easily and drop all that doesn’t contribute.”
“I have already done Intimacy Protocol. Yesterday I decided to repeat with manual. In the morning new contacts appeared abd old ones immediately cancelled the meetings.Concerning tomorrow’s Intimacy Protocol, I am very interested in Nila’s words: You are in great desire to meet your twin flame but maybe he is not incarnated in this reality? I am in deep interest… And you?”
“yawning a lot and feel some kind of tingling all over my body,My periods were delayed almost for 2 weeks and just now I got my periods, feel a lot of relief specially in my heart , solar and sacral chakra, thank you so much Nila“
“Intimacy protocol has created great shifts in my life, my body, my relationship. I feel like dancing, singing, expansion, joy in all spheres, Thank you so much” “wonderful session. Feeling lot better”
Please feel free to register and share with your family and friends.