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Energy Transmission from Arcturian Medical Council for Vibrant Health

❤️ Description: Vibrancy in Life is connected to Vibrant Health. Health is not merely an absence of illnesses. It is a reflection of your experience of life. Often times, you do everything you can to get and stay in your best shape. But there are energetic factors at play that contribute to your efforts or hinder them. Light Beings, the Arcturian Medical Council are coming through to contribute to your health and well being by infusing vibrancy in your body and energy. Arcturians are very advanced in terms of healing […]

Awareness Development Circle Intensive — Angels

Awareness Development Circle Intensive — Angels 04th, 13th, 20th, 27th Oct 2022 10:00 AM EST / 3:00 PM BST / 5:00 PM Israel / 7:30 PM India / 01:00 AM AET (Next Day) Duration: 45 - 50 Minutes  (Click here to get the time for your time zone.) ❤️ Inclusion: Audio and Video Recordings. ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Pre-requisite: None. ❤️ INR Payment Option: For INR payments, you can use Paytm payment gateway. Set the page currency as “INR” and then select ‘Paytm’ during the checkout. You can pay using QR code, UPI, […]