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The Open Heart Revolution: Receive abundantly with Ancients – Monthly Support Stream

Are you ready to open your heart and receive abundance in all areas of your life? Join us for a monthly support stream with Nila, a renowned healer and facilitator, and the Ancients, a group of light beings. This a life-changing experience where abundance flows freely into your life. This is a unique opportunity to harness the combined energies of current cosmic cycles and ancient knowledge, acting as a conduit for profound healing, growth, and abundant manifestation. ❤️ Each participant can expect: Personalized Blessings: The healing experience will be tailored […]

Total Body Detox with Forgiveness: Your Path to Holistic Healing

Did you know that our emotions have a profound impact on our physical health? Each emotion we experience is intricately linked to specific organs within our body, and when left unaddressed, these emotions can manifest as physical ailments. Some examples of the Connection: Anger & Liver: Prolonged anger can disrupt liver function, leading to digestive issues, headaches, and eye problems. Sadness/Grief & Lungs: Suppressed grief may weaken lung function and result in respiratory problems. Fear & Kidneys: Chronic fear can potentially lead to urinary problems and persistent low back pain. […]