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Transmuting Resistance to money into Cash, Gold and Money Generating Possibilities

Description: How much do you love money? How much would you like to have? How much are you allowing money to come in? Many of us think we love to have abundant money but energetically resist the flow of money with our believes, opinions and judgements etc. The resistance is normally subtle or even invisible - it is like driving a car with breaks on without being aware. You may be stuck in the patterns of lack, striving and struggling. Join Nila and Light matrix to bring out these subconscious […]

Treasures of your Shadows

❤️ Description: How much do you love yourself? Most of us love part of us and judge the rest. The parts of us that we judge are either ignored or suppressed. These parts are kept as secrets that we don't want others to know and huge energy is invested in keeping these hidden. Everything you cut off from your life prevents you from being the infinite source you are! Artificially you are making you limited. What if these parts that you neglect has the key to your freedom? A message […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Free Group Healing Session

❤️ Description: The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys is applied to various parts of the body to create optimal health and restore the body’s healing capacity. This is a completely free call that you can attend live from home via zoom. ❤️ Benefits of this […]

Energy Transmission from Ascended Master Mary Magdalene

❤️ Description: Mary Magdalene is quite a prominent biblical figure and has very close connection with Jesus. However, there is an aura of mystery around her and the full extent of her history and contribution may not have been captured well. This enigmatic energy is showing up in the recent years to support humanity through the time of ascension. As one of the toughest women in the history, she is offering the strength, faith and conviction she portrayed when she was with Jesus during his crucifixion and resurrection. Her energy […]

Advanced Light Matrix Transmutation Grid — Certified

❤️ Description: In the basic class the practitioners learnt how to create a simple Light Matrix Transmutation Grid that employs the elements of the universe to transmute the energy behind limitations into joyful manifestations. The process was purely self help. ❤️ In this advanced class, practitioners will learn: How to create a grid for others. How to bring additional elements of universe to contribute. ❤️ Benefits: Create a grid that leads to faster manifestation. Become a certified practitioner and create a revenue stream. Add a new potent tool to your […]

Luminosity — 30 days of Blessings from Divine!

Description: At this point of time, there is huge influx of light to bring out our luminosity - the intrinsic brightness. Recently Nila did a blessing chamber with this light for a short period which created huge shifts for people which prompted Nila to set up this chamber for a month along with the ascended masters. The blessings you receive from this chamber will be very dynamic - you will be receiving what you require Precisely every time you receive. Everyone will experience this differently every time. This new light […]

Light Key Frequencies and Vortices for Limitless Reality

❤️ Description: In this course, you will learn about the following : Vortex of Light. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality. Light Key Vortices for Limitless Reality. Vortex of Light is an element of universe in action to create light and lightness. You will learn more about this via this class. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality You will learn how to use and apply advanced Light key frequencies to create a limitless 5-dimensional reality : ❤️ Silver ray frequency:  All about creating magical changes in the body. This frequency […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Certified

❤️ Description: Joyous Body Protocol is a self-help procedure consisting of a series of steps that use the vibration of light keys to restore the body’s healing ability and create harmony and peace with the body. Certified Practitioners can also perform this protocol on clients. This has been the most celebrated protocol in the entire light key system. This protocol takes only about 15-20 minutes to complete and in just 11 days, you will find a considerable shift in your body. This is an upgraded version of Joyous body protocol […]

Joyous Embodiment

This class contains advanced protocols and processes to have joyous experience with bodies in the universe. ❤️ Course Content: Advanced Joyous body protocol Wrapping technique The embodiment of kindness process Mineralization and ozonization process ❤️ Benefits of this course: Physical healing Better circulation and balanced energy flow Expanded awareness of bodies Expansive healing capacities Joyful existence Harmonious interaction with other bodies ❤️ Course Investment: if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require. Terms: The experience of each individual […]

Taster of Retreat Experience — Free Call

There was a class in Mumbai in Dec 2019 with Nila that created humongous ripple effects and today Light Key Wellness System is a big family spread over 130+ countries. Is history going to repeat itself? What miracles are we awaiting we wonder! Nila, the Magic Lady is facilitating a full day retreat in Mumbai to go deeper, higher and wider. It is appropriately named 'Magical and Miraculous Living' She is bringing some super amazing new processes & powerful divine energies to set you up to ramp up your vibration […]