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Light Key Prosperity Activation Program

Light Key Prosperity Activation Program (English) 13th Dec 2022 09.00 AM EST / 2:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM Israel / 07:30 PM India / 01:00 AM AET (Next Day) Duration: 3 Hrs  (Click here to get the time for your time zone.) Be an early bird & avail 9% discounted price given below! *Offer expires on 6th Dec 2022* You can purchase the recordings of this class here: Buy Now ❤️ Course Inclusion: User Manual. Audio and Video Recordings. ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Course Pre-requisite: None ❤️Special Discount: Buy this class with […]

Releasing Fear and Panic in the Deepest level with Ancients

❤️ Description: Everything you have ever wanted is sitting on the other side of Fear---George Addair. When Fear grips and Panic tightens our Energy system, we no longer operate from our expanded self. We struggle to achieve our desires and limit our life. We supress ourselves on all levels. Many a times, it gets buried in the deepest layers of our system as we carry it forward across lifetimes. No matter how hard we try to deal with it, its all on the superficial level. There are still layers to […]

Light Key Frequencies and Vortices for Limitless Reality

❤️ Description: In this course, you will learn about the following : Vortex of Light. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality. Light Key Vortices for Limitless Reality. Vortex of Light is an element of universe in action to create light and lightness. You will learn more about this via this class. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality You will learn how to use and apply advanced Light key frequencies to create a limitless 5-dimensional reality : ❤️ Silver ray frequency:  All about creating magical changes in the body. This frequency […]

Body Wise

❤️ Description: Human body is one of the most complex mechanisms on the planet. Trillions of cells work together to make the body function seamlessly. Yet, we some times ignore it's innate intelligence and create limitations unconsciously. In this deep healing process, Nila will walk you through a process to establish communication with your body leading to communion and deep cellular healing. Are you willing to invest in restoring harmony and well being with your body? Imagine trillions of healthy cells contributing to your life enriching in every way! How […]

Embracing Your Super Power

Embracing Your Super Power (English) 20th Dec 2022 09:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM Israel / 7:30 PM India / 01:00 AM AET (Next Day) Duration: 1 Hr  (Click here to get the time for your time zone.) Be an early bird & avail 8% discounted price given below! *Offer expires on 20th Jan 2023* ❤️ Course Inclusion: User Manual. Audio and Video Recordings. Lightlogue ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Course Pre-requisite: None ❤️ Description: If you had a super power what would that be? What if you […]

Profound Healing with Peace and Presence — Free Call

 Profound Healing with Peace and Presence - Free Call (English) 21st Dec 2022 09:30 AM EST / 02:30 PM GMT / 04:30 PM Israel / 8:00 PM India / 01:30 AM AET (Next Day) Duration: 30 Mins  (Click here to get the time for your time zone.) Register your interest to get the zoom link to join this call Free ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Recording Investment: You can purchase the recordings of this class here: Buy Now ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Pre-requisite: None. ❤️ Investment: ❤️ Inclusion: Audio and Video Recordings. ❤️ Special […]

Light Key Protocol for Conscious Manifestation – Free Practice Session

❤️ Description: This simple protocol helps you to manifest your desires with series of steps that would allow you to shed limiting energies and move into the space of possibilities with ease. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require. Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please register only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught. Light Key Protocol for Conscious Manifestation – Free […]

Joyful expression of you and your body

❤️ Description: What is the best form of your self expression? Have you ever thought about this? Ask yourself, how much you allow you and your body to express? How many filters do you apply before even you utter a word? How many judgements do you make before allowing your body to express itself? You may even think that these are part of descernment, way of acting mature and being diplomatic. You are a unique expression of the universe and that's the best gift you can bring to the world. […]

Exponentializing your income in 2023 and beyond

? Description: Don't you agree that the world will be a better place, if spiritual people have more money? How would it be you not only expand your income but exponentialize? How many passive revenue streams are available for you? In this workshop, Nila leads you through processes to help you tap into the possibilities and choose to exponentialize your income with ease and grace. ? Investment: if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require. Terms: The experience […]

Joyous Body Protocol – Free Group Healing Session

Joyous Body Protocol – Free Group Healing Session (English) 5th Jan 2023 09:00 AM EST / 2:00 PM GMT / 4:00 PM Israel / 7:30 PM India / 1:00 AM AEDT (Next Day) Duration: 30 Minutes (Click here to get the time for your time zone.) Register your interest to get the zoom link to join this call ❤️ Description: The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It […]