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Light Keys for Life and Beyond! (Intermediate Course— V2)

Light Keys for Life and Beyond! (Intermediate Course- V2) (Shine your Light Bright) (Prerequisites: Basic Light Key Blueprint Course for Life and Beyond!) Date: 9th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST (Click here to get the time for your timezone.) Duration: 2 Hours <!-- Special offer: Rs. 6,700 / --> Video and audio recording of this class is provided to the participants. Discount coupon is available if you have done either Intermediate 1.0 Intermediate 1.0 and EE Intermediate 2.0(Self). Please write to […]

Awareness/Psychic development circle (May 2020) — 2 Calls

Awareness/Psychic development circle (May 2020) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: 10th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 60 Mins <!-- Cost: Rs. 5,000 / --> Click here to get the time for your timezone. Video and audio recording of this class is provided to the participants. These fortnightly calls are […]

Joyous Body – Free group healing session!

Joyous Body - Free group healing session! Date: 12th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 30 Mins Click here to get the time for your timezone. Join Live - FREE The body is the only place each of us can 'Be' in. A great reason to take good care of this 'house'. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys […]

Gorgeous You: weight loss series — 1 of 4 calls

Gorgeous You: Weight loss series - Releasing resistance to gorgeous body ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: 14th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 60 Mins <!-- Cost: Rs. 3,300 / --> <!-- Buy all 4 calls and save 29$:     --> You can pay through Google Pay to the number […]

Light Key Frequencies — Transformational Processes for body, life and beyond—May16th

Light Key Frequencies - Transformational Processes for body, life and beyond Prerequisites: None ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date : 16th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 2 Hours <!-- Cost: --> Contact: Smriti: 9820076945, Video and audio recording of this class is provided to the participants. Please click the link […]

Awareness Development Circle for 5D Reality

Awareness Development Circle for 5D Reality Call (Prerequisites: Light key Intermediate course, Joyous Body Protocol course or attended at least 4 Awareness Development Circles.) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to If you are choosing the Regular Awareness Development Circle along with this, you are eligible for 16$ discount. Please check your email/group message for the discount coupon or write to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... […]

Training for Facilitators of Light Key Basic Blueprint Course

Training for Facilitators of Light Key Basic Blueprint Course ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: 23rd May 2020 Time: 10.00 AM EST / 3.00 PM BST / 7.30 PM IST Duration: 3 Hours <!-- Cost: Rs. 30,000 / --> Contact: Smriti: 9820076945, Click here to get the time for your timezone. Video and audio recording of this class is provided […]

Awareness/Psychic development circle (May 2020) — 2 Calls

Awareness/Psychic development circle (May 2020) ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: 24th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 60 Mins <!-- Cost: Rs. 5,000 / --> Click here to get the time for your timezone. These fortnightly calls are for people who like to expand their awareness including other dimensions and […]

Free Group Coaching call

Free Group Coaching call Date: 26th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 60 Mins Click here to get the time for your timezone. Join Live - FREE This is a free support call Nila is offering for anyone who requires some support/healing. She will be using her experience in numerous modalities and her intuition to facilitate the group and a few individuals. There is no boundaries and no form or structure to the call. She will be leading the group to […]

Gorgeous You: weight loss series — 2 of 4 calls

Gorgeous You: weight loss series - Releasing programs, implants and attachments from the body ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... You can pay through Google Pay to the number 8722355100 (After making the payment, please inform your name and email id to the same number in Whatsapp or send the information to ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Date: 28th May 2020 Time: 11.00 AM EST / 4.00 PM BST / 8.30 PM IST Duration: 60 Mins <!-- Cost: Rs. 3,300 / Buy all 4 calls and save 29$:     --> You can pay through Google Pay to the […]