Would you like to have powerful friends?

Would you like to have powerful friends?

As you may know, I have been a medium and channel for many years and many people are fascinated by it; some people ridicule it; some people simply avoid me because they think this is weird. But my work definitely creates inquisitiveness among people.

I have talked about what’s it that we receive from the spirit world and how it is like to have friends without bodies in this video:

You will find it amusing how my 8-year long grief lifted swiftly when I started training as a medium.

If you are curious to know more about mediumship or train to be a medium, you may like to join the class on 24th:


This is one of the feedbacks from the previous class:

Thank you Nila.
Fear of this topic disappeared just because it is you who was teaching this. You deal with this topic so tactfully and with so much empathy and kindness.

I have also uploaded videos on healing your finance and shared 10 techniques I used to grow my business by 17 times:

But the interesting thing is that you have an opportunity to have 8 x 1-hour calls with me for the price of one private session on Feb. 4 of them are on awareness development and 4 of them are group coaching calls with a different topic each day. How does it get any better than this? Please feel free to explore:

I wanted to share a story with you. Once a lady came to me with a suicidal mindset. She had booked an hour-long session because she thought she had so much to clear. 20 minutes into the session, she was able to transcend all that heaviness and got excited about the prospects in her life. She did not know what to do with the next 40 minutes… Really : This is a common occurrence in my sessions. I make it a point not to waste any time in going over the story but to go straight into the core of the issue and clear it. I also coach people to make conscious choices in life. So, some people have called me ‘The magic lady‘ 

The reason I am sharing this with you is that in February, you have a great opportunity to be in 8 group calls with me for the price of 1 private session. What magic can we create together?

Group Coaching sessions (4 weekly calls)
To improve your finance, relationship, self-worth and health


Awareness development circle (4 weekly calls)
To kick start your spiritual journey and develop your awareness muscles with a like-minded group


Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.

I hope you can join me some time

In appreciation of you,
