How are you?
When we feel heavy emotions, some times it seems like there is no way out.
But we should realize that we are the ones that hold on to these emotions, not the other way around. The emotions are like the clouds in the sky where the sky is our being. If we choose, we can drop the emotions right away.
Please see these demonstrations of letting go process:
As you will see in the video, letting go is very simple and every time you let go of anything, you become more and more of who you are. When you are being that who you are, you are one with the universe. When you are the universe, everything you desire is within you.
I recommend you to take that first step of letting go right away. You need not know what you are letting go of. Simply let go.
If you need more support in being more of you or creating an expansive life for yourself, you may like to join the weekly group coaching calls. In these calls, I will be addressing the needs of the group members in 4 main areas of life – self-worth, relationship, health and prosperity and coaching them to choose greater possibilities. As a signup bonus, I will be sharing a new practice called prosperity anchor that I channeled recently that will help to attract prosperity. Please feel free to sign up:
If you like to learn how to find your niche in facilitating and winning over your clients, please feel free to join ‘The Art of Facilitation’ class. This class is for anyone who works with people one on one and likes to have more ease and empowerment with their sessions:
Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.
I look forward to seeing you somewhere soon.
In appreciation of you,