Ease With Exams – Free Flow Call For Kids
2nd April 2022
09:30 AM EST / 2:30 PM BST / 4:30 PM Israel / 7:00 PM India / 12:30AM AEDT (Next Day)
Duration: 30 Mins (Click here to get the time for your time zone.)

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please register only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
“Thank you Nila was today’s beautiful class on ease and grace protocol.. My daughter was enjoying and feeling it way too easy to create magic on her own self…A big thank you to you from my daughter Stutie 🙏🏻”
“Ease on Earth is a great course for kids, adults, senior citizens super senior citizens too 😀!”
“Hello all,
Wanted to share one of my experience with kindness key. One of my niece who was is 10th std had issues with her memory and used to score average marks. She was very disappointed as no matter how much she studied she couldn’t remember everything. It was in September last year she asked me if i could help. Yesterday she calls me to give a good news that she scored 88% in her exams and now she is choosing science stream finally.
The power of Kindness key rocks ✨
Thank you @Nila IH and @Smiriti IHF for your contribution.“