Festival of Light – 11 days of Magic
Date: 13th December to 23rd December 2020
Time: 10:00 AM EST / 3:00 PM BST / 2:00 AM AEDT / 5:00 PM Israel / 8:30 PM India
Duration: 20 – 40 Mins
❤️ Description:
Set up a new year by celebrating the light and lightness that have been made available to us via Light Key system. What a beautiful journey of a year full of love and lightness! Light keys have expanded beyond boundaries through incredible facilitators in many countries. Join us in celebrating this success of light as we bring the most amazing light key tools and practices to share with you all as a gratitude gift!
Join us in this 11 days of Magic with light key tools and practices lead by Nila and Light key facilitators to set up an incredible future.
Each day we will bring you a guided session with light key tools through which you can experience magical possibilities for more ease and lightness in various areas of your life. If you have been wondering what Light Key system is all about, if you would like to learn and experience the magnificence of the simple light key tools and practices, or if you would just like to raise your vibration, this is a wonderful opportunity for you to join. We welcome you all to be part of this celebrations with Light & join us in spreading light and lightness across the world!
Isn’t it high time to shine your light bright?
Please click here to refer and download it.
Meditation with light for more brightness and lightness
Brighten your world up with this beautiful guided meditation lead by Nila, the founder of Light Key System, to turbocharge your vibrations & live beyond your potential.

JBP Group healing session
❤️ Facilitators: Smriti & Shifra
Pamper your body with this beautiful healing session by JBP facilitators and Practitioners. Bring back the joy of your body – It truly deserves.
Attentiveness has increased. Listening capacity is improving.
No dental pain. Feeling more compassionate and kind towards me, my body and others as well Tons of gratitude for creating this amazing transformation in my life
Thank you”«More»

Dissolve limitation with Light Matrix
❤️ Facilitators: Sunali & Antara
Do you feel you are surrounded by tons of limitations keeping you away from enjoying your life to the fullest? This session uses Light Matrix – a powerful element of Light which can dissolve your limitations and set you free.

Light Medicine Experience
❤️ Facilitators: Talia & Saida
Light Medicine is a beautiful series of very potent Light key process. This session will take you through a powerful Body Reset protocol to cleanse your body from impurities and bring it back to its natural state of lightness.

Healing through Kindness
❤️ Facilitators: Alona & Elaine
Kindness is a beautiful energy which can transform the most toughest situations of our life. Experience magical healing through kindness key and light key frequency.

Clear Pathogens with Light Matrix
❤️ Facilitators: Saida & Suguna
Pathogens are harmful micro-organisms like bacteria and virus that can cause infections in body and make it vulnerable to diseases. In this session Light matrix is used to clear the pathogens deeply from different layers of the body. A very beneficial session for the pandemic situation.

Light key protocol to feel better instantly
❤️ Facilitators: Tagit & Suguna
Are you going through some unfavourable situations making you feel low? Watch out! Energy flows where the attention goes. This light key protocol will lift you up instantly giving you the strength to create magical changes.

Spark of kindness
❤️ Facilitators: Sunali & Antara
“One Spark can brighten up an entire world” In this guided session we will take you through a beautiful experience to lighten up your entire world with a spark of kindness. Shall we create a wave of kindness on the planet together?
I told her I made it just the same way I did everyday. She again said there is something special in the tea.… I then shared with her that while the tea was brewing, I was drawing the kindness Key on the tea.
The beauty of Kindness Key!!!”«More»

Light Matrix to choose light and lightness
Every choice you make creates our life. Would you like to choose more light and lightness in your life? Join in this powerful session using Light Matrix.

Lightlogue experience
Lightlogues are divine art forms channeled by Nila – they are a 360 degree portal to have conversation with light. Learn how you can receive more from Lightlogue in this session.

Light key blessings for prosperity & love
Light key blessings are powerful energy transmission given for a specific purpose. In this sesison you will receive Light key blessings to enhance prosperity and love in your life from a group of Light Key facilitators. What grand magic can this create for you?

Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this cannot be guaranteed. Please buy only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Pre-requisite:
- None.
❤️ Inclusion:
- Audio and Video recordings.