Let the light of your being shine through your body! You receive 6 sessions from Nila and expert healers to shed yours masks and cloaks and allow your light to rejuvenate your body to shine! 3 days of experiences to pamper, nourish, polish and shine your body! You will never be the same after 3 days! Join any day or all days at a discount!.
❤️ Pre-requisite: None.
For INR payments, you can use Paytm payment gateway. Set the page currency as “INR” and then select ‘Paytm’ during the checkout. You can pay using QR code, UPI, bank transfer and credit/debit card as well.
❤️ Description:
Event | Details | Inclusion |
Shine Festival – Jul22 – Day 1 ![]() |
1. Clearing Blocks to Shine 2. Shine Transmission from Source of Light |
Audio & Video recordings |
1. Energy Block Clearing:
Clear your blocks to shine in this world!
Let go to off the stuckness and powerlessness in any area of your life!
Expert healers will be running block clearing protocol on you to break through the limitations.
2. Shine transmission from Source of Light
Nila brings in the contribution from the Source of Light to bring out the light in you by releasing the unconsciousness. This potent transmission could change your life for ever!
Shine Festival – Jul22 – Day 2 ![]() |
1. Star Glow Facial – mini Session 2. Shining in to Other Realms – Awareness Development Call |
Audio & Video recordings |
1. Star Glow Facial – mini Session
Let go off the masks holding back your shine. Let the elements of Light help you release the toxins you hold underneath your skin.
2. Awareness development journey
Nila walks you through a journey into other realms and helps you raise your vibration and embrace your unique spiritual gifts!
Shine Festival – Jul22 – Day 3 ![]() |
1. Antiaging JBP 2. Crowd Puller Session |
Audio & Video recordings |
1. Anti-aging JBP
Release time components and reverse the signs of aging with this powerful process.
2. Crowd Puller Session
Who doesn’t want people to contribute — to your healing practice, in your business, personal life? Let go of the beliefs and constructs to go beyond the limited definition of you and become a magnet to attract crowds with the Crowd puller herself!

Nila is an international wellbeing coach who has been in this journey for more than 2 decades. She is also a medium, channel, author and entrepreneur. Her capacity with Money is well known – She has increased her company’s turnover by 17 times within 18 months; created multiple revenue streams out of nowhere; received windfall of money as if by magic etc. She is also known as ‘The magic lady. Nila has the knack of simplifying the laws of the universe through very simple techniques that are fun to practice.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require.
Terms: The experience of each individual varies and hence the outcome from this call cannot be guaranteed. Please register only if you are willing to take responsibility for the outcome of the practices taught.
❤️ Here are some amazing shares:
“I participated in How to be Crowd Puller with Nila Raju, When all the significance was removed about Pulling crowd, not pulling crowd, etc I realized I m neutral with people.All my earlier reservation around people have shifted.I’m grateful to know I have a CHOICE in whether I wish to work with some one or not.I was resisting a client big time.After the clearings – Today was first meeting, she is offering me a project to write her book, Another website designer has asked me for content creation.Hdigabtt?
“SGF is simply MAGIC.
I’ve been on several zooms and people tell me how I am glowing.Yes SGF is just SHEER MAGIC! ❤️“
“wide awake in the US time! I received so many compliments for my body from people who have never complimented me ever! Anti aging JBP at work! 🙂”
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