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Light Key Protocol for Embracing Sex and Possibilities

❤️ Description: How do you feel about sex, your sex life, sexual preferences and your sexuality? Most of us are not even comfortable talking about this leave alone expressing ourselves freely! This course will give you profound insights & effective tools to embrace the possibilities of sex! What if sex is not a bad word but the creative energy that runs the universe? This course will cover the following topics: Demystifying Sex Your capacity with sex Embracing the potency of genitals Releasing the unconsciousness around your sex life Releasing the […]

Light Key Protocol for Conscious Manifestation — V2

❤️ Description: This simple protocol helps you to manifest your desires with series of steps that would allow you to shed limiting energies and move into the space of possibilities with ease. ❤️ Potential Benefits: Clear away blockages & limiting energies towards reaching your goals. Accelerate the manifestation of desire with greater ease. Synchronize your thoughts and desires to manifest quickly. ❤️ Course Investment: if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require. Terms: The experience of each individual […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Free Group Healing Session

❤️ Description: The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys is applied to various parts of the body to create optimal health and restore the body’s healing capacity. This is a completely free call that you can attend live from home via zoom. ❤️ Benefits of this […]

Luminosity — 30 days of Blessings from Divine!

Description: At this point of time, there is huge influx of light to bring out our luminosity - the intrinsic brightness. Recently Nila did a blessing chamber with this light for a short period which created huge shifts for people which prompted Nila to set up this chamber for a month along with the ascended masters. The blessings you receive from this chamber will be very dynamic - you will be receiving what you require Precisely every time you receive. Everyone will experience this differently every time. This new light […]

Luminous you — A Mini Retreat

You are a spiritual being born on earth to evolve the collective consciousness" - Not many of us can perceive or receive this! We get so caught up in the daily grind of life, form an identity based on the collective beliefs and tend to strive and stuggle in life. How much of the density and intensity is created based on the beliefs that you just bought as truth? How much are you trying to limit your magical capacities to fit into what is "normal" and "standard"? How much of […]

Glorious June — 30 days of Blessings from Divine!

After Luminosity, a 30 day blessing in May to bring out the brightness in you, we bring to you Glorious June for a life filled with your glory! Participants who received in May chamber shared tons of amazing feedbacks on the group. Some are produced here: "Every time I connect to the blessing stream I feel it in a different colour through my body. A lovely feeling " "I am with full of energy and very active in my daily chores,usually they seem to be herculean tasks for me. Feeling […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Free Group Healing Session

The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys is applied to various parts of the body to create optimal health and restore the body’s healing capacity. This is a completely free call that you can attend live from home via zoom. ❤️ Benefits of this protocol include […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Free Group Healing Session

The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys is applied to various parts of the body to create optimal health and restore the body’s healing capacity. This is a completely free call that you can attend live from home via zoom. ❤️ Benefits of this protocol include […]

Joyous Body Protocol — Free Group Healing Session

The body is the only place each of us can ‘Be’ in. A great reason to take good care of this ‘house’. The Joyous Body protocol does just that! It is a simple self-help process that helps in bringing out great shifts in the body. The energy of the light keys is applied to various parts of the body to create optimal health and restore the body’s healing capacity. This is a completely free call that you can attend live from home via zoom. ❤️ Benefits of this protocol include […]

Light Key Protocol for Conscious Manifestation – V2

This simple protocol helps you to manifest your desires with series of steps that would allow you to shed limiting energies and move into the space of possibilities with ease. ❤️ Potential Benefits: Clear away blockages & limiting energies towards reaching your goals. Accelerate the manifestation of desire with greater ease. Synchronize your thoughts and desires to manifest quickly. ❤️ Course Investment: if not yet purchased. ❤️ Here are some amazing shares: "Many times we get into a negative thought pattern and I was going through the same for something […]