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Light Matrix Transmutation Grid to turn dreams into reality

❤️ Description: Do you have a dream? A dream that is close to your heart, that you know in your bones that it is for you. But, maybe you aren't actualising it or it isn't showing up in the way you dreamt it to be. The Light Matrix Transmutation Grid can be used to actualize it. Winnie will facilitate you, as you explore your dreams deeper and set up your Grid to transmute them to reality. ❤️ Investment:  if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a […]

Light Key Frequencies and Vortices for Limitless Reality

❤️ Description: In this course, you will learn about the following : Vortex of Light. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality. Light Key Vortices for Limitless Reality. Vortex of Light is an element of universe in action to create light and lightness. You will learn more about this via this class. Light Key Frequencies for Limitless Reality You will learn how to use and apply advanced Light key frequencies to create a limitless 5-dimensional reality : ❤️ Silver ray frequency:  All about creating magical changes in the body. This frequency […]

Joyous Embodiment

This class contains advanced protocols and processes to have joyous experience with bodies in the universe. ❤️ Course Content: Advanced Joyous body protocol Wrapping technique The embodiment of kindness process Mineralization and ozonization process ❤️ Benefits of this course: Physical healing Better circulation and balanced energy flow Expanded awareness of bodies Expansive healing capacities Joyful existence Harmonious interaction with other bodies ❤️ Course Investment: if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a replacement for any professional help you may require. Terms: The experience of each individual […]

Instant Relief Protocol

Are you willing to have it too easy? Then, this protocol may be for you. Typically Light key protocols are a series of steps using light keys, frequencies, processes, etc. But this one is different – it is cute and hilarious. The universe is kind and has all the resources we require. This protocol simply helps you tap into various frequencies of the universe that can contribute to us in a very simple and hilarious way. This protocol not only fixes the issues but also helps with creating more. ❤️ […]

Releasing the Implants, Imprints and Foreign Elements from the Body with Sirian Elders

The bodies on the planet are designed to heal themselves. However, over the course, they have been made solid, dense and rigid through the choices the mankind made. These belief systems have been passed down through generations as implants and the imprints of the body experiences have also been inherited along with these implants. Besides, the bodies have been used for research by other races in the cosmos and some bodies have retained the energetic components of the devices used for the research. By releasing all these from the bodies […]

Energy Transmission from Hathor, Goddess of Love, Beauty and Creation

Hathor, the Egyptian Goddess of love, beauty and creation is also associated with sky, sun and motherhood. Through this energy transmission, she is offering her contribution to manifest your heart's desires especially with and through the body. Her energy will help you to embody the love and beauty and set you up to create your legacy in this life time. This transmission is for anyone who likes to have ease, joy and grace in life and create more of it through choice. Investment: if not yet purchased. Disclaimer: This is […]

Healing the Parental Wounds with Arcturians

Parents play a pivotal role in our body, mind and spirit. As a child, we tend to absorb their energy and either mimic them or try to fix them unconsciously. Hence, many of us of experience strong polarity with parents that shows up as co-dependence, blame, sense of abandonment etc. These parental wounds act as a foundation of your life and any relationship you create tends to be impacted by this. In this call, Nila will bring through Arcturians, a highly evolved race from Arcturus, an ascended planet to heal […]

Aligning Your Body, Mind and Spirit with Light Matrix

Does life feel overwhelmed/confused/stuck? Do you feel scattered or pulled different directions? Does it seem like you don't know who you are any more? This might happen when your body-mind-spirit are not aligned. You may have done too much energy work which might have led your spirit to soar but body might not have caught up. Or your mind might have been too active due to habitual over thinking overriding the wisdom of body & spirit. In any case, let's open the doors to bring them all in alignment with […]

Being a Gift and Thriving in the World! — Free Call

Welcome to the transformative class, "Be the Gift and Thrive in the World". In this empowering session, we invite you to discover the remarkable potential within you and unlock the keys to living a thriving and fulfilling life. Are you ready to tap into your unique gifts and make a positive impact on the world around you? Join us as we delve into the principles of self-discovery, personal growth, and the art of thriving in today's dynamic world. Throughout this class, we will explore powerful techniques, practical exercises, and insightful […]

Total Body Tune Up with Light Key Frequencies — Certified

Light Key Frequencies have infinite applications for creating magic. In this experiential class, Nila will be sharing the procedure and guidelines to tune up the body structurally and internally for optimal wellbeing. The recommendation is to do it hands on and hence bring some one to practice on for the class. If you can't bring anyone, you can still explore the remote and self healing possibilities. Here is a message from Nila: As you may be aware, light key frequencies are in play since 2019 and I have started working […]