How to Awaken your Infinite Self

How to Awaken your Infinite Self

Have you ever yearned for a transformation so profound, it ripples through your entire being and manifests in your outward world almost instantly?

Today, I want to share a glimpse into my own journey, not just to brag, but to ignite a spark of hope within you. Just one session unlocked powerful shifts, and I know within my heart it can do the same for you.

Remember the little girl within, hiding underground, fearing punishment? That was me. Yet, through gentle inner work, she emerged into the light, dancing and singing, embracing her space in the world. This wasn’t a mere metaphor; it translated into concrete action: decluttering my home after 5 years, finding organization where there was once chaos. Imagine the astonishment on my husband’s face after years of my “hopeless” hoarding tendencies!

This wasn’t a one-time fluke. Healing my 8-year-old self, terrified of losing money, led me to actively pursue investment options. Other hidden parts surfaced, each holding limiting beliefs – from proving life’s difficulty to deflecting judgment, even the urge to escape. But instead of feeling overwhelmed, I discovered a practice that shifted the focus.

Instead of dissecting individual parts, we can strengthen the awareness of our infinite, whole being, the very foundation where these fragments reside. This approach, the one I’ll guide you through in the “Transcending Fragmentation into Wholeness” session on February 26th, addresses all parts simultaneously, paving the way for true, lasting wholeness.

This isn’t just about decluttering your home or finances; it’s about decluttering your being, shedding limiting beliefs, and stepping into the boundless potential that lies within.

Are you ready to experience profound shifts, connect with your infinite self, and create the life you truly desire? Join me on this transformative journey.

Click here to register and awaken your inner magic:

This session is free for Limitless members of our youtube channel. When you become a member, you get access to 70+ videos of empowering workshops, abundance exercises, magical energy transmissions etc along with weekly live sessions with expert healers.

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❤️A Call to Collective Healing: Invitation from Ascended Realms!

A few weeks back, I had a profound personal experience that transported me to a realm of vibrant health and effortless embodiment. Imagine, if you will, a world where physical limitations are transcended, replaced by a profound sense of joy and freedom within our bodies. It was a glimpse into a reality that ignited a deep desire to share this energy with our own planet.

I was guided towards a specific “light matrix command” intended to be practised for 21 days. I believe that the more individuals participate, the stronger the collective impact, bringing this desired reality closer to us all.

In the spirit of collaboration and collective well-being, I invite you to consider incorporating this practice into your life. Remember, I approach information with an open mind and curiosity, but ultimately, your own intuition is your best guide.

Here’s the command:

Light matrix, clear, cancel and transmute all the energy behind the sickness, illness and diseases of the bodies and the sources that are keeping all these in existence into life generating possibilities, light generating possibilities and vitality of the bodies.

Here are several ways you can engage with this practice:

  • Spoken Meditation: Recite the command aloud (if comfortable) or silently for 3 minutes each day for 21 days. Be present and intentional with your words.
  • Guided Immersion: This command is recorded and available on YouTube & soundcloud. Listen at least 6 minutes daily for 21 days, allowing yourself to immerse in the energy. 
  • Background Activation: Play the audio recording as background support, while going about your usual activities.

Feel free to adapt this practice to your preferences and share it with individuals who may be interested in contributing to this cause. Let’s embark on this journey of collective healing together. As we unite in intention, who knows what magic we can create?

I’m genuinely curious to hear about your experiences. Share your thoughts and feedback, and let’s co-create a world where vibrant health and well-being are the norm.

Remember, this is an invitation, not an obligation. Explore it with an open heart and choose what resonates most deeply with you.

What magic can we create together?

Check our website for calls and recorded trainings: 

Not sure where to start with Light Keys? Talk to a Facilitator by filling out a request form at the end of the page at this link:

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Or, you can take any and all of our free courses:

Check our YouTube channel “Nila Mystic TV”

In appreciation of you,