Hope you are treating yourself well. If you need any help in finding self-love, we are here to help. Please read on… you will find an insight that could change your life. Even otherwise, you can sign up for our free support sessions and benefit out of them.
What’s good about being a psychic?
Well, how many of you have concluded that you are not good enough to be successful?
How many of you have decided that you just do not know how to get what you desire?
How many of you feel like victims of other people or circumstances?
How is it living like this? Is life enjoyable?
Suppose you know exactly what to say and what to do to create the successful outcome, wouldn’t it be amazing?
How would it be if you can read people like an open book?
Wouldn’t it be even better if you know the winning lottery numbers?
If you think you can’t do or have any of these, you are so wrong.
Last week in the Awareness Development Circle, we had a couple of interesting exercises.
In one of these exercises, I wanted the participants to tune into a box and sense the object within the box using several techniques we learn in the circles. The more and more they open themselves up, the more and more information they received about the object. When I revealed the object, many of them were pleasantly surprised that they were able to pick up the colour, shape, material of the object…
What do you think this will do to their confidence? The more they can see that they are capable of receiving information from the universe, the more empowered they become.
Let’s play a game here:

See the image of the box enclosed. There is an object inside this box. Tune in and see what information you receive about this object. I look forward to hear from you. I will reveal the object in the next newsletter.
I also invite you to join our fortnightly Awareness Development Circle where you can have lot more fun like this:
Light key journeys in May
I am conducting Light keys intermediate class on 9th May. This class has the foundation for light medicine – Kindness and mastery process. If you like to learn from a live class rather than doing self-study, please join. You will also learn the next set of keys for prosperity, life, health, fame etc. and how to experience the keys. This course is a pre-req for many facilitators’ course.
If you have never been a teacher or facilitator and love to become one, here is a great opportunity. You can become a facilitator of Light key frequency and start conducting certification courses. The pre-requisites are minimum and the facilitators’ training is also at 33% of the original price as an intro offer. One of the pre-req is Basic Light Key frequencies course. Light key frequencies are very potent tools to use on your body and life to create desired changes. This is a certification course. Please feel free to jump in:
Free support
Your favourite Joyous Body healing is back on 12th:
Group coaching call will be announced shortly.
Did you know that you can download ’50 questions to change anything magically’ ebook by referring us to 5 of your friends? Please click here to refer and download it.
What more magic can we create together?
In appreciation of you,